nPlex Media(Closed)


nPlexMedia  Network Description
nPlexMedia  is a free service which matches advertisers with website publishers of all sizes to display relevant advertisments that intrige customers and create leads.
SSL ads
URL shortener
Monthly payment
Low payout as $1
CPM and CPC basis
Dynamic high CPM
Real Time Bid system
Targeting via date, country, city, browser, OS
Frequency capping
Transfert credit from Publisher to Advertiser
Banners : banners, html tags, popunder, interstitial ads, Full Page, Slide-In and mobile
nPlexMedia  Network Details
Commission Type:
Minimum Payment: $ 1
Payment Frequency:
Monthly instant payment
Payment Method: Paypal, Moneybookers ( skrill)
Contact: Telephone:
Email: [email protected]
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nPlexMedia  Payment Proof
nplexmedia payment proof
nPlexMedia January Payment
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166 Responses to "nPlex Media(Closed)"

  1. Publisher says:

    Really Scam Ad Network

    The Minimum Payout Chenged $1 usd to $ 5 usd

    and Not Paying Last Month Payment , This Month Immps Not Counting

    Dont Join This NetWork

    :: SCAM SCAM SCAM ::

    • nPlexMedia says:

      We increased our minimum payout from $1 to $5 and asked all our publishers is they would agree to it, since it would make more send to receive a minimum $5 payout instead of only $1 per month. Sine all of out publishers thought it was fair and agreed that it made more sense we changed it to $5, and we still have the lowest payout in the industry. All payments to our publishers go out every month on a timely basis, any payments not already received by our publishers should be communicated to our sales department via email right away.


  2. Saman says:


  3. zhofier says:

    My first payment from Nplexmedia

  4. Mr Princess says:

    The Real Sick Ads
    My Balance all Gone

  5. Vad'as Montagen says:

    Waiting for March Earning 🙂

  6. nPlex Media says:

    Our lawyer will take this in charge.

    You asked us to remove your account so we did.
    You were sending robot traffic , that’s why CPM dropped.
    Now you are saying we are scam, we will see you in court.

    Kind Regards

    • nPlex Media says:

      You are diffaming our business.

      All you are saying is not real. We are RTB network, so CPM varies depending on Advertisers Bid. if you got a good CPM then it dropped that means , Advertisers are not anymore satisfied from your traffic, so they are bidding low CPM,
      Our Terms:

      We’ll suit you in court for that. We have all infromations about you.
      Will take your case seriously.

      Do you think hiding behind your screen will not allow us to suit you ?


  7. Hi ,

    I have just apply for nPlexMedia at yesterday and i got ads approval within the same day , it is quite impressing for me , but i have one concern with them .

    actually i found that nplexmedia system was not calculate the my all traffic impression. is their any specific amount of time that system will take for show statistics .???

    Be honest i am use disk caching on my website so is that the reason for above issue .??

    waiting for official reply .

  8. Anil says:

    Hello ,

    Nplex Media Paying Site not scam

    dont write scam

  9. nPlex Media says:


    We will see if you’ll say that when we suit you in court for diffamation.

    Best Regards

    nPlexMedia Staff

    • nPlex Media says:


      We have some doubt about the fact that you have an account within our Network
      Our first priority is to sastify our customers.
      To our good willing. Please next time leave a comment build on something else than assomption.

      We will investigate on that very seriously, anyway.

      Kind Regards

1 5 6 7 8 9 11

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