
Deewlight Network Description

Deewlight Ads Network is one of Deewlight’s program which allows you to earn money from the ads from advertisers that place them on Deewlight Network.
Deewlights Ads as “a program run by Deewlight.It allows publishers in the Deewlight Network of content sites to serve automatic text, image, video, or interactive media advertisements, that are targeted to site content and audience.”
How Does Deewlight Network Work?.

This is how Deewlight works ; a company or a person that is interested in advertising on Deewlight Network . includes, Deewlight Search, Publishers websites and blogs (Your website/blog) and other Deewlight Partner. The advertiser pays a certain amount to Deewlight. The ad appears on the mentioned partners platforms, when a particular keyword is typed or the page of a site is accessed.
How do you get Deewlight Ads Network Membership?

To get Deewlight and start displaying ads on your website /blog, you have to apply for Deewlight Ads Network by signing up. Your website/blog must adhere to Deewlight guidelines and policies before they approve it. If you are approved you will get your own dashboard ,where you will view your income reports. By now you must be wondering how to make money with Deewlight. Well, Deewlight is a program for publishers, websites and blogs publishers who allow these ads to appear on certain areas of your site. Displaying ads on your site or blog, every time the ad is clicked, the advertiser pays a certain amount to Deewlight, which will transfer a percentage to the website owner.

How to Make Money On Deewlight in Kenya.It is important for anyone working with websites or blogs, to know about the different ways available to monetize their blogs . You have to explore the best possible way to utilize the advertising space on your blog, therefore, precious. But the big question is always, how to make more money with Deewlight? I will answer you in the post below.
Placing Ads provided by Deewlight Ads Network in Your Website
After being evaluated and your website approved,You will receive iframe codes for your created adzones. Every adzone created for your website has its own iframe code. Insert the iframe code in your website as you prefer.Adzones are created based on

Leader-board Banner Adzone (header)
Square banner Adzone (Sidebar)
Rectangle/Inline/Native Adzone (intext or sponsored content)
NB:The adzone codes are sent directly in your email address.

(For a wordpress site use an ad insert plugin)

Deewlight Network Details
Commission Type: CPC /CPM
Minimum Payment: $
Payment Frequency: Net 30
Payment Method: Paypal, M-Pesa
Country: Kenya
Contact: Telephone: +254-707703404
Email:  [email protected]
 Join This Network
Deewlight Payment Proof
(if you got paid by this network, it will be very thankful for sending me a snapshot with key-information shielded.)
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