
MyBid Network Description

We are extremely excited to finally meet you! Our network has been working privately for several years, improving processes, developing new products, opening new GEOs. And now we are happy to go public and open registration for everyone who wants to work directly with high-quality traffic to top verticals.

MyBid is a global advertising network. Our mission isn’t just to help Advertisers and Publishers make money on the Internet, our goal is to make this process as profitable and simple as possible for thousands of players in the affiliate marketing market.

Our friendly managers have vast professional expertise in the Affiliate Marketing market, ready to become your best friends and help you launch advertising campaigns.

You also have the option to buy traffic via RTB if you represent a DSP/SSP and are interested in integration based on RTB/XML.

MyBid Network Details
Commission Type: Inpage Push, Video, Banner, PopUnder, Interstitial, Push Notifications, Native
Minimum Payment: $ 100
Payment Frequency: Request
Payment Method: Wire/Capitalist/Paxum/USDT
Country: Great Britain
Contact: Skype: MyBidSupport
Join This Network
MyBid Payment Proof
(if you got paid by this network, it will be very thankful for sending me a snapshot with key-information shielded.)

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