
Adknowledge Description
Adknowledge, the fourth largest advertiser marketplace, specializes in performance-based marketing solutions utilizing its powerful predictive technology and completely anonymous consumer response patterns to connect advertisers with consumers across multiple channels, including email, search, domains, and social networks. With over 60 terabytes of anonymous consumer behavior data, our proprietary targeting systems run over 20 billion calculations per day to determine what ad to show to each consumer. Over 10,000 advertisers use the Adknowledge ad network to promote their offers.
Since its founding in 2004, Adknowledge has grown organically and through acquisitions, including Miva, Super Rewards and Hydra, to become the largest privately-owned internet advertising network with over 300 employees and $300 million in revenue. Adknowledge has been recognized by Red Herring, AlwaysOn Media and several other publications as a top, or top 100, Private Companies award winner.
Adknowledge Details
Commission Type: CPA,CPC,Email,Games,Display
Minimum Payment: $ 50
Payment Frequency: NET15
Payment Method: Paypal,Check,wire
Country: US
Contact: Telephone:+1.816-931-1771
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Adknowledge Payment Proof
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