
Kontera Network Description

The way people find and discover information on the web is evolving and changing. In the first wave of the web we’ve seen information discovery grow from simple web directories to sophisticated search destinations. At Kontera we believe that in the coming years information discovery will evolve even further, ushering an era where relevant information will actually find the user whenever and wherever that user is on-line. We are building a platform and company to satisfy this shift.

Since Kontera’s founding our vision has been to connect Internet users, with relevant information, while they are viewing content anywhere on the web. We believe that relevancy, quality of information, and a quality web experience are essential to attaining this vision.

We’ve made significant progress throughout our journey developing advanced technologies, and scaling the Kontera Synapse platform to the benefit of users, publishers and advertisers alike.

Kontera’s Synapse platform forms the basis for addressing multiple market segments with offerings ranging from related information for large websites, to operating the leading in-text ad network, and delivering ground breaking solutions in the rapidly emerging mobile space.

Kontera Network Details
Commission Type: CPC,IN-text
Minimum Payment: $ 50
Payment Frequency: NET30
Payment Method: Paypal,Check,Wire
Country: US
Contact: Telephone:415-558-7780
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Kontera Payment Proof
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6 Responses to "Kontera(Closed)"

  1. Alexia Kyparissou says:


  2. hitesh says:

    Kontera had not send me payout (payment ) in may 2013 for my Revenue earned till march month 2013 . so i want to say kontera that provide my payout and don’t hurt publisher felling by having delay in providing payout ( payment )

  3. willian says:

    this payment is long time ago.
    only received now.

  4. It is remarkable, rather valuable piece

  5. David says:


    This is David, from Kontera.

    Thanks for letting the world know about our company. Allow me to share a little more information with you and your readers about Kontera.

    Kontera is the exclusive in-content analysis and engagement platform for more than 15,000 web publishers, reaching over 170 million unique users per month
    The reason that Kontera is so effective for so many different people is thanks to our Synapse platform, as you mentioned. This platform is an algorithm that rather than just scanning for keywords like other in-content companies do, can read your text for actual meaning. This added understanding allows us deliver relevant information and ads directly related to user intent, leading to higher CTR and better CPC.

    Another advantage of Kontera is our exclusive ad inventory from some of the biggest brand names in the world including Toyota, UPS, Verizon, American Express, General Mills, Dell, L’Oreal, and many more. These premium, often Rich-Media ads are the most attractive to users, offer the best possible CPC, and are only available to Kontera Publishers.

    If you’d like to apply to become a Kontera Publisher, we’re currently offering new publishers a 70% revenue share and a $50 Bonus if you get at least 25,000 U.S. page views during your first 30 days on the network. Kontera also offers a low $50 minimum threshold, good across all of our payout methods.

    David Stein
    Kontera Community Manager
    [email protected]
    Monetize your site with Kontera In-Text ads

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