Ad Sizes And Formats For 2012

Following the trends of the last few years, ad sizes and formats are getting bigger and bigger in an attempt by advertisers to better grab people’s attention and redress the increasing problem of “banner blindness”. The IAB continues to focus on the leaderboard, wide skyscraper, medium rectangle, and rectangle sizes, in their Universal Ad Package – meaning that we will see more and more advertisers wanting these sizes and ad networks offering them to publishers.

Below we’re got a graphic outlining the different shapes and sizes of the various official advert types around at the moment, and the table beneath sets out the aspect ratio of each one, as well as linking to lists of ad networks offering that size.

Rectangles and Pop-Ups

Name Width / px Height / px Aspect ratio
Medium Rectangle 300 250 1.2
Square 250 250 1
Vertical Rectangle 240 400 1.67
Large Rectangle 336 280 1.2
Rectangle 180 150 1.2
3:1 Rectangle 300 100 3
Pop-Under 720 300 2.4

Banners and Buttons

Name Width / px Height / px Aspect ratio
Full banner 468 60 7.8
Half banner 234 60 3.9
Micro bar 88 31 2.84
Button 1 120 90 1.33
Button 2 120 60 2
Vertical banner 120 240 2
Square button 125 125 1
Leaderboard 728 90 8.09


Name Width / px Height / px Aspect ratio
Wide skyscraper 160 600 3.75
Skyscraper 120 600 5
Half page ad 300 600 2

Sizes in bold are part of the IAB’s Universal Ad Package.



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