
ClickRanks Network Description
ClickRanks is one of the leading internet marketing companies committed to delivering substantial and measurable ROI to advertisers using its proprietary dynamic personalized Contextual targeting platform. ClickRanks has delivered incremental returns of upto 500%, making it one of the most sought out partners in the Internet advertising world.
ClickRanks Network Details
Commission Type: CPM,CPC,PPC,CPV
Minimum Payment: $ 50
Payment Frequency: Request
Payment Method: Paypal, Check
Country: IN
Contact: Telephone:
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ClickRanks Payment Proof
(if you got paid by this network, it will be very thankful for sending me a snapshot with key-information shielded.)
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17 Responses to "ClickRanks(Closed)"

  1. carlos saul says:

    Beware, this company turned SCAM, not paid this month and me send many messages to directly support the account blocked me, is a shame!, scam scam scam!
    hopefully not be fooled about this company!, thanks for reading the post!

  2. carlos saul says:

    Hey guys, I can assure you that this company is not scam!, Here I leave proof of payment, payment do Net60, but hey are very adherent, where paid all day without problems!
    I’m very happy with this company!, Is one of the few companies that dont really have good profits!
    here I leave my proof!, thanks!!

  3. santo says:

    After more than 3 months I finally see the light of the results of my hard work, and this program eventually pay me. in this program is different because of the payment system. and if there is a friend who would like to know how to process my payment would be happy to help.

    I highly recommend this program to follow

    below I include proof of payment of ClickRanks.

    Briliant ClickRanks I hope for future payments will be easier.

  4. atul mishra says:

    Dear all,

    I received my payment time to time. People are co-operative. You may check attachment as proof.

  5. Sonal Barot says:


    Very good network and co-operative staff.

  6. Dear Santo,

    We required your invoice to release the payment.How we can pay without your invoice secondly we have already mailed you for invoice and it is delay due to late invoice.

  7. Dear Santo how we can pay without your invoice secondly we have already mailed you for invoice and it is delay due to late invoice.

  8. alok says:

    good network and supporting staff (jaimesh sir and komal mem)

  9. santo says:

    This site really crook I never paid after an ad from this site .. I contacted many times there is never a response. ClickRanks scam!!!!!!!

    • Maklime says:

      yes it’ true. when i reach 50$ we are not got any payment. I contacted many times there is never a response. ClickRanks scam!!!!!!!

      totall fraud . Totally scam………report this

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