Intellilinks Network Description
Become an Intellilinks Publisher and make money selling text links. Our publisher program allows you to sell text links on your website for profit. Simply submit your website to our system and install a server-side script (PHP or Wordpress Plugin). We do everything else for you!
Once our script is installed, your website will enter our inventory and links will be offered on our marketplace. You can choose to offer links in your sidebar (or template), or within the body of your posts — or both! Additionally, you have complete control over any advertisement that is purchased. You will be notified when links are purchased and you can choose to approve or deny them, if you wish (or we can review them for you).
Your website URL will be kept confidential and revealed only to advertisers after they purchase on your website. You will receive 50% of the net revenue for the ads on your site and will be paid monthly via PayPal.
Once our script is installed, your website will enter our inventory and links will be offered on our marketplace. You can choose to offer links in your sidebar (or template), or within the body of your posts — or both! Additionally, you have complete control over any advertisement that is purchased. You will be notified when links are purchased and you can choose to approve or deny them, if you wish (or we can review them for you).
Your website URL will be kept confidential and revealed only to advertisers after they purchase on your website. You will receive 50% of the net revenue for the ads on your site and will be paid monthly via PayPal.
Intellilinks Network Details | |
Commission Type: | Regular Links, Context Links |
Minimum Payment: | No Minimum |
Payment Frequency: | Monthly |
Payment Method: | Paypal |
Country: | US |
Contact: | Telephone: Email: Chat |
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Intellilinks Payment Proof