Matomy Media(Closed)

Matomy Media Network Description
Matomy Media Group is one of the leading international online marketing firms in Europe with a growing presence in both the North and South American markets. With a wide range of online marketing expertise and integrated technologies,Matomy Market provides a comprehensive online marketing solution, including display advertising,a performance-based affiliate management platform and network, search marketing, and alternative payment solutions. Matomy Market offers its customers and partners end-to-end management of their online marketing activity to ensure cost-effective, controlled and high-quality results.
Matomy Market brands include Matomy Market, a performance-based affiliate network, Matomy Media, a display ad-network, and Matomy, a provider of alternative payment solutions.Matomy Market is a privately held company with around 160 employees. For more information please visit
Matomy Media Network Details
Commission Type: CPC(Cost Per Click), CPM(Cost Per Impressions)
Minimum Payment: $ 50
Payment Frequency: NET30
Payment Method: Check,Wire
Country: Israel
Contact: Telephone:+972-77-3606060
Email:[email protected]
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Matomy Media Payment Proof
(if you got paid by this network, it will be very thankful for sending me a snapshot with key-information shielded.)
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2 Responses to "Matomy Media(Closed)"

  1. Ronen Raveh says:

    CPM Rate higher

  2. inbartam says:

    Ok so I decided to give Matomy Media a try back in August and my pub account accumulated over $950!!!!
    i sent the invoice promptly with all the correct information. Yehonatan Ido confirmed with me that they received it in time and that everything was ok and that i would get my payment in by the 5th! I have since not received 1 penny in my account and they said once “billing” is working on it. Now i am getting 0 response from them at all. No answers at all. I am really counting on this money due to a family emergency…

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