Wikipedia is an aged domain with a massive amount of authority, as well as a high Pagerank. Many webmasters are curious as to whether or not getting a backlink on the Wikipedia is possible. This powerful site has a very low OBL (Out Bound Link) amount which makes it more desirable, however the chance toget a backlink are few and far between. You link has to undergo a rigorous testing process as to whether it is worthy of their webpage.
Every backlink that is placed on Wikipedia must be approved with the moderator of the page. It needs to be beneficial to the Wikipedia community, the category and the webpage it is being displayed on. If the link isn’t necessary or just provides duplicate content then it will be deleted.
Every backlink within Wikipedia is a no-follow link, however it does affect your websites SEO (Search Engine Optimization) more than a traditional no-follow backlinks because of the authority of Wikipedia and the rarity of them approving out bound links. Here are the steps for getting a backlink from Wikipedia, but its not quick, it takes time and effort.
Join Wikipedia as an editor.
Browse through the topics your knowledgeable on and do some editing useful for the community.
Once you’ve become a trusted editor on relevant pages you can start droping a few links here and there, but they have to be useful, if they aren’t they will be removed. You will probably loose your account or be demoted.
Maintain a constant awareness on the pages you have left links on, if you keep it up to date your more likely to be able to get away with more.