
Galaksion Network Description

Company in social media:¬1507912652796836/timeline/

About us: The company name has a double meaning: there are Galaksio, which means Galaxy in Esperanto, and the letter “n” standing for network. And although the headquarters are in Scotland, the UK, we erase borders between continents and countries. No matter where you are, we are close to you and ready to help! We can do that because we are already working on all continents and our managers are ready to communicate with partners in 12 languages. We operate worldwide. However, we focus on Russian, CIS, American, Canadian, Indian, European and Latin American markets.

Our Goal: We make every effort to ensure trouble-free communication of our clients around the world, and to make your job successful.

Occupation: Our strong point is media advertising on websites: Pop-up and Pop-under, screensavers, splash screens, interstitial ads, Slide-banners, Video ads, and the running text. You can choose any size of static banners, animated banners, vertical and horizontal: 300х250, 240х400, 600х200, 468х60, 728х90, 160х600 and many others. In September we introduced our new product, a banner that would adjust to any size desired. You can forget the cookie-cutter templates. Now, you are free from the limits of the standard sizes!

Our Advantages: We are seasoned professionals with years of experience. Galaksion is focused on successful cooperation. We guarantee that each client will get:
• Constant revenue from the websites in the network system;
• 24/7 support;
• Individual approach;
• Transparent accounting system;
• Ad material management
But these are not all our advantages. We offer a large pool of direct advertisers. Thus all offers are controlled entirely. Ads are selected thoroughly, so we can undoubtedly guarantee the absence of porn and other malicious advertising. You are able to customize all media advertising to advertiser’s requirements, or in accordance to the site design. Therefore the ads won’t irritate the end user, and you will earn more.

Galaksion Network Details
Commission Type: CPC, CPM, CPA, CPL, CPI
Minimum Payment: 100 EUR
Payment Frequency: Net 30
Payment Method: via eWallets, bank transfers, or credit cards: Visa and MasterCard
Country: UK
Contact: Telephone: 00 44 1463 216126
Email: [email protected]
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4 Responses to "Galaksion"

  1. SergeForEver says:

    Galaksion has some good optimizers. I’d mention Natalie Lane I have been in touch with. She is clever and responsible.

  2. Ronen Raveh says:

    CPM Rate higher

    • JutKaras says:

      Well, this is the second or the third identical comment about I see ))
      (Never used it anyway, thus I cannot comment on this)
      As for the Galaksion Network, I am satisfied. Their tools, coverage, rates are just fine.

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