

Sprizzy Network Description

Website Owners Can Promote Kickstarter Campaigns
Kickstarter project creators are looking for websites to promote their campaigns; your website could be one of them! Unlike traditional banner ads, the Kickstarter campaigns displayed on your website will be relevant and engaging for your visitors.

Innovative Ad Units
Promote campaigns via a native ad integration – you pick where each piece of advertisement (title, video, description) are displayed on your website and how they look. Or choose from 3 sizes of our unique “Engagement Unit”.

Real time reporting and an interface which allows you to view earnings by site and drill down on specific stats; such as ad unit viewability rate.

How Much Can I Make?
Websites are paid per “engagement” – when a visitor interacts with the ad unit. This includes clicking to the Kickstarter campaign page, watching campaign video, or sharing it on social media. The uniqueness of the ads, and the high relevancy, has some publishers seeing $5 CPMs and higher.

Sprizzy Network Details
Minimum Payment: $ 50
Payment Frequency: Net 30
Payment Method: Paypal
Country: US
Contact: Telephone: 1-888-397-7749
Email: [email protected]
 Join This Network
Sprizzy Payment Proof
(if you got paid by this network, it will be very thankful for sending me a snapshot with key-information shielded.)
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2 Responses to "Sprizzy"

  1. vsystech says:

    Be Aware from this “company” no valid addres, no valid business,

    after earning x$ disabled your account via suck cause,

    “After reviewing your site and the content within your site, our quality team is unable to confirm the legitimacy of your traffic.”


  2. sprizzy says:

    Thanks for the write up about Sprizzy! We’ve also recently begun offering page overlay and video overlay/pre-roll ad units. Each pay $10 CPMs and the pre-rolls can be used for any type of player (even non-hosted players!). We’re happy to answer any questions at [email protected].

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