
Adswiki.Net is now accepting advertisements.    It is available as banner ads.     Advertiser purchase

All of the Banner ads was Non-Rotating.

The banner of 728*90 on the top of every pages.  Top Ad 728*90

The banner allocations are 125*125 banners on the right column of post pages .The advertisements in this ad zone will be shuffled every page view. The ad zone accepts only 1 advertiser per slot, therefore your ads will display all the time. Four Banners will be sharing the 300 X 250 banner.   Sidebar Ad Box 125*125

The banner of 468*60 on the bottom of the every post.  Bottom Of Post 468*60

Note : you will need to supply your own  banner. JPEG and GIF are accepted and animation is permitted provided you can keep the number of frames and file size low.

We will only accept family friendly ads.We will not accept ads that are pornographic, wares related, drugs related,adult oriented,involved in illegal activities, hate sites or any other sites that we deemed not appropriate. It is my goal to only pick those ads that enhance the experience of our users.
We reserve the right to refuse any application.It is my goal to only pick those ads that enhance the experience of our users.

We reserve the right to cancel ad spots and provide full or partial refund to the affected ad owners.

We reserve the right to cancel any existing ad subscription and provide partial refund.


Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.

Thank you and I look forward to you joining the team.

  © 2024 ADSWIKI.NET All rights reserved.
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