
Network Description
Since 2001, CPMStar has been providing some of the web’s best and most unique multiplayer games content via its proprietary multiplayer enabling technology. Bringing together CPMStar’s unique mix of premium brand advertisers, unique content providers, and product licensees, the CPMStar Network promises to revolutionize the world of online entertainment by allowing great content to flourish in the marketplace. CPMStar is committed to bringing innovation to interactive entertainment by helping the most exciting new content on the web succeed through intelligent design, marketing, and technology.
We have used this network, and have received payments.
Be careful, Maybe don’t give pay when you balance above $1000!
Network Details
Commission Type: CPC(Cost Per Click), CPM(Cost Per Impressions)
Minimum Payment: $50
Payment Frequency: NET30
Payment Method: Paypal,Cheque
Country: US
Contact: Telephone:+1.310-255-6800
Join This Network
Payment Proof
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10 Responses to "CPMstar"

  1. Ronen Raveh says:

    Recommend exoner.com
    CPM Rate higher

  2. usk says:

    I registered on cpmstar how long takes to activate account?

  3. Starfall says:

    I am a new Cpmstar publisher and there rate is very good. waiting the end of month so I can get my 1st cpmstar payment. Good luck to all!

  4. Adam Flaco says:

    Easily test best quality and paying gaming network available.

  5. WallSit says:

    My First CpmStar payment

  6. se71253 says:

    they are good…100% legit and they always pay on time…i guaranteed it

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