
bidvertiser reviews

Bidvertiser Network Description
In 2003, Bpath spotted the need of website owners to sell their ad space directly to advertisers, overcoming the disadvantages of automated systems, like Google’s AdSense and Overture’ Content Match, where neither the advertiser nor the publisher has any control of the advertisements’ quality, pricing and timing. Bidvertiser On-Site Bid Per Click offers website owners with the ability to sell their ad space, automatically, to the highest bidder, on a price-per-click basis, where the price is mostly effected by the quality and popularity of their website. Advertisers can place ads directly on sites of their choice and pay only when a visitor clicks-through their site. Bidvertiser serves text ads in all types of standard ad units, including banners, buttons, skyscrapers and inline ads.
Bidvertiser Network Details
Commission Type: CPC,POP,ebay
Minimum Payment: PayPal ($10 Minimum),Check ($100),Wire ($500 )
Payment Frequency: NET30
Payment Method: Paypal,Cheque,Wire
Country: US
Contact: Telephone:253.498.0590
Email:[email protected]
Join This Network
Bidvertiser Payment Proof
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7 Responses to "Bidvertiser"

  1. Ronen Raveh says:

    CPM Rate higher

  2. dgehlod says:

    It gives money if you have good amount of traffic it gives a lot.

  3. I need to say that,they are paying.
    I am earning good amount of money by using bidvertiser on my website.

  4. gigi says:

    they are paying

    but banned cheating

  5. dina says:

    it sucks!!! 74 clicks but revenue=$00

  6. argames says:

    They are supposed to pay me at 31st july 2013 via western union. but they din’t, Iam sad about bidvertiser. also they are not answering my emails , support is quite.And they extended my payment date to next month i.e 31st august.. thats ridiculus.
    i think i should switch to some alternative to bidvertiser.

  7. jade says:

    my first revenue of referral from the bidvertiser. 🙂

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