

AdsKeeper Network Description

With AdsKeeper you can add a new effective source of revenue keeping your existing ones intact.

Being a paid publisher allows you to monetize traffic and earn money by simply displaying native ads on your website in places you would never imagine could generate revenue.

AdsKeeper Network Details
Commission Type: CPC
Minimum Payment: $ 50
Payment Frequency: Net 30
Payment Method: Paypal, Wire
Country: UK
Contact: Telephone:
Email: [email protected]
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AdsKeeper Payment Proof
(if you got paid by this network, it will be very thankful for sending me a snapshot with key-information shielded.)
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12 Responses to "AdsKeeper"

  1. babakprs says:

    Stay away from Adskeeper.
    They are scam.
    Below you can see the proof how they steal your money:

    • Adskeeper Support says:

      Hello Babak,

      Many thanks for rising this question in front of all audience. Your account was fined due to fraudulent traffic. Our QA team has detected suspicious activity from your resource, after thorough investigation we have detected invalid clicks, your payment was refunded for our Advertisers.
      Please check the screenshot from Forensiq anti-fraud system below:

      Feel free to contact our support team or share your thoughts here if you require any assistance.

      • babakprs says:

        If what you say is fact and you didn’t try to steal my money, then I believe your anti-fraud system is very very wrong.
        In the same period and currently I work with Adsense and Mgid and never had issue with them and I’m sure they have better and stronger anti-fraud system than yours.

        As you can see below, my website has almost 70% traffic directly from google and the rest are coming from social networks and nothing is wrong with my traffic and I myself have never tried to make any invalid click.

        I’m still on my words and believe that this is the way your company try to make money

        • Adskeeper Support says:

          We totally understand your concern but I am sure you do realize that there is no sense for us to ban websites which can bring us traffic and conversions.
          Forensiq is third-party anti-fraud system widely used throughout digital advertising industry.
          Google Analytics tracks all visitors and pageviews but, unfortunately, it can’t detect bots.
          We are not saying that invalid clicks were made by you, but someone could send fraud traffic directly to our widget.
          So, I recommend you to use an anti-fraud system to detect fraudulent sources of traffic sent to your website.

          • babakprs says:

            As I wrote you above, at the same time, I used Adsense and Mgid on my websites.
            So how come there was no issue from their sides and it is just you that claim for such a thing and blocked my money !!?

            Is that just your company that can find invalid clicks !!?

            • Adskeeper Support says:

              As we already discussed, someone could send fraud traffic to our widget directly.

              Anyway, our decision was based on the data of the third-party fraud detecting system, Forensiq, which is recognized to be the top anti-fraud system in the industry.
              You can contact them to find out more about their system and their fraud detecting algorithms.

              • babakprs says:

                People can read this and judge what it means when your company is the only one among Adsense and Mgid that claims my website had invalid clicks in order to block my money.

                To the website owner, this is very meaningful.

  2. Ronen Raveh says:

    CPM Rate higher

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