platform for additional website monetization.
Unlike other ad networks (and we mean all other ad networks), our product is designed for providing of a completely extra income.
The way our network works is following:
1. Publisher takes a js tag of current advertiser (or social widget, or any element on the website that fits the banner size).
2. Wraps it in our containter.
3. Places wrapped js tag back on the website.
First 60 seconds, we’re showing his current advertiser, then we conduct a RTB auction (we’re working with 2 dozens of DSPs and ad networks). If our advertiser decided to buy this impression, we’ll show his ads inside the container instead of publisher’s ad.
This way, publisher’s advertisers retain their impressions and clicks, publisher retains earnings and earn additional dollars from
As today, we’re working with 4 ad networks and 200 direct publishers.
AdTags Network Details | |
Commission Type: | CPM |
Minimum Payment: | $ 10 |
Payment Frequency: | Net 7 |
Payment Method: | Webmoney |
Country: | RU |
Contact: | Telephone: Email: |
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