

OnwardClick Network Description

We are a quality driven, global network that offers BOT Free Audience Building traffic (so call PV/TOS) as well as Premium/Conversion traffic via OnwardClick (www.onwardclick.com), our XML/CPC network. With OnwardClick, all our traffic is scored and filtered using “Forensiq” (standard on all campaigns), “IAS” or Double Verified. We also have our own internal filtration that include CAPTCHA, as well as strict limits on Click per IP, valid referrer, etc. to ensure that each visitor is genuine and has an interest in the offer.

We also have a reputation for honesty and being straight shooters when it comes to our advertising partners, never compromising quality for a quick profit. On the other hand, we shield our publishing partners from unscrupulous advertisers and guarantee no charge-back unless the traffic is proven to be BOT. So far, our track record with both advertising and publishing partners has been spotless, and we continue to review and accept only the best of both world to insure quality and consistency.

OnwardClick Network Details
Commission Type: CPC, CPM, Search, POP, Domains, Intext
Minimum Payment: $ 50
Payment Frequency: Net 30, Net 45
Payment Method: Wire, ACH, PayPal
Country: US
Contact: Telephone: +1 415 670-9397
Email: [email protected]
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OnwardClick Payment Proof
(if you got paid by this network, it will be very thankful for sending me a snapshot with key-information shielded.)
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2 Responses to "OnwardClick"

  1. Ronen Raveh says:

    Recommend exoner.com
    CPM Rate higher

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