Admitad review

admitad is an international CPA network of over 520000 publishers and over 1200 advertisers. admitad was founded in Germany in 2009 and further was officially launched in 2010 and since that time it expanded its offering to Asia, Eastern and Western Europe as well as North America introducing such unparalleled benefits as weekly payments with different options for publishers to monetize their traffic.

admitad has worldwide traffic and works with international offers. The strongest geo by volume includes Russia, the US, Western Europe, the UK and India. Working with truly global and widely recognized brands, admitad became an embodiment of the progressive start-up, which is currently an international network with year-over-year revenue growth exceeding 100% for more than six consecutive periods. The justification of this success lies in innovative full service client-oriented approach, which helps both publishers and advertisers to increase profits optimizing their marketing campaigns through Cost-Per-Action programs.

Professionals in admitad are always looking for new business practices and developing current ones in order to offer publishers and advertisers the cutting-edge affiliate marketing services. For advertisers and publishers admitad has prepared multiple pricing models.

Currently admitad network offers a variety of payment methods so that everyone can find the right fit at admitad. The payment threshold starts from $10. Weekly payments and premium payments on request are available. For more details about these payment methods in admitad use this link:   


Benefits and tools for advertisers and publishers:

admitad offers a set of tools to help advertisers to expand and optimize their e-business. The tools provide attractive online services and real benefits to admitad’s clients to boost their sales in the field of affiliate marketing. Regardless the size of your business, admitad experts are always here to help you with selecting the best program with the tools which fit right to your particular business and to provide personal support.

admitad takes on leading positions in development of new tools for publishers and advertisers. Some of these tools for advertisers include the following: retag, retargeting, recommendations, product feeds, cart tracking, vecontact, automated chat agent, and a set of coupons and deals.

Publisher sign-up link:

Advertiser sign-up link:

Adblock Due Diligence

admitad takes the position of mediator between publishers, advertisers and Adblock representatives. admitad philosophy is that the education of Internet users on how to understand which content is misleading advertising and which content represents a piece of work of promising, diligent publishers. For admitad it is highly important to preserve the freedom of Internet marketing without cutting an access to good quality shops and services which are available online. This is the reason why admitad network facilitates responsible, honest and transparent relationship between all members of the system: advertisers, customers, the Adblock and publishers through negotiations and networking.

Details of the affiliate network


  • The company is present in a wide number of the e-commerce segments including:
  • Publisher types include a wide spectrum from cashback and coupon sites; marketplaces such as content sites or comparison sites; bloggers and vloggers, including YouTube; e-mailing publishers, social networks and other platforms for retargeting; and, of course, popup or click under toolbars with banner and teaser networks.
  • Payment threshold: 10 $
  • Premium payments on request
  • Forms of payment: PayPal, e-payments and wire transfer.
  • Main technical advantages: antifraud technologies, cross-device tracking, fingerprint tracking, advertiser toolbox, anti-cookie technologies, deep linking options, cross-device tracking, in-house platform;
  • Business model: admitad doesn’t take fees. The network provides up-to-date detailed analytics and useful tools. To request impersonal data for e-commerce segments and other regional data email here: [email protected].
  • Territorial coverage: network with global presence.

admitad has worldwide traffic and works with international offers. Currently it supports over 1350 affiliate programs and is trusted by over 54000 publishers. admitad has a global market penetration strategy. admitad’s European market penetration, especially the DACH and the CIS region, is already fairing incredibly well. Currently the company focuses on global market expansion, including French market.

  • Support service:  There is a number of tools for both publishers and advertisers. Fast and client-oriented support service. All advertisers have their personal managers and are always welcome to contact them regarding any question about admitad and CPA marketing. For further queries and a step-by-step guideline for joining us please e-mail at [email protected] OR sign up right now either as an advertiser or a publisher.




admitad offers various advantages to both advertisers and publishers. From the technical side the network makes your life easier and business more effective with such tools as fraud prevention, cross-device tracking, fingerprint tracking, ad blocks and others. Moreover, it offers you an in-house platform with an opportunity to work with internationally recognized brands with the strongest geo by volume in the US, Russia, Western Europe, the UK and India. Such a huge scale of admitad’s affiliate programs which fit personally to your own business needs, doesn’t affect the fact that admitad always stays close to its clients and is offering the best support at any time. Finally, the network continues its expanding on a global scale and has exclusive partnerships with the most recognized brands worldwide.  As a result, we may expect that affiliate marketing in general and admitad in particular will continue to shape marketing campaigns for companies of different sectors and offers comfortable options to raise their revenues and efficiency in the age of the Internet and information technologies. Despite the size of the company, admitad keeps its mechanism of effective decision-making due to the lack of bureaucracy: the only decision-maker and owner is Alexander Bachmann. This centralized system proves the legitimacy of admitad’s decision-making process where the leader of the company is an opinion leader. Moreover, admitad’s publishers and advertisers have an access to a huge range of tools, which help with increasing conversions and program performance. admitad uses various cutting-edge technologies in order to help its partners to be successful in their marketing campaigns.

And, of course, it is not a surprise that this affiliate network includes companies from an extensive list of segments: clothes and footwear, digital and household appliances, furniture and household products, products for children, food delivery, sport, software, hotels and tourism and many more.

As a full-scaled service, detailed and transparent repots and statistics are always available on time to both advertisers and publishers. Thus, it is easy to plan an informed marketing campaigns with admitad which values the network’s partners very high. Every year admitad expert which is a CPA marketing networking event for advertisers, publishers, top-rated partners and many other affiliates and largest ad platforms takes place to bring them together to personally discuss business-related questions. Twice a year admitad hosts its global events of networking in a great environment in order to meet other business owners and entrepreneurs and make new connections to help businesses grow. This is all about admitad lounge. And, finally, the network is not just developing affiliate marketing industry it also helps new businesses to develop. That’s why admitad Invest helps perspective Internet-businesses with growing by its funds, business advice and marketing sources.

It’s time to raise the bar and get the payouts you know you deserve – admitad is always open to help you to gain and grow a successful business!

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