
EZmob Network Description

EZmob (Easymob) is a global mobile DSP with over 7 Billion impressions per day across it’s thousands of direct qualified publishers and SSP cooperations. We support Pop, Display, Native and Video ad formats with comprehensive targeting features(OS, GEO, Browser, Carrier, Connection, IP, SubID, Domain etc).
Register an account and start today, our minimum deposit amount is $100 and very competitive bids for advertisers. Publishers can also join and monetize their traffic via banner and pop ad placements.

EZmob Network Details
Commission Type: CPC /CPM /POP. Mobile
Minimum Payment: $ 100
Payment Frequency: Net 30
Payment Method: Paypal, Wire, CC
Country: Israel
Contact: Telephone:
Email: info@ezmob.com
 Join This Network
EZmob Payment Proof
(if you got paid by this network, it will be very thankful for sending me a snapshot with key-information shielded.)
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290 Responses to "EZmob"

  1. billymob says:

    was worth a test since they let you start with $100 and cpm rates are pretty low, i was honestly surprised to find out they did have good service and inventory, never heard of them before i saw their review here..

  2. adsrus says:

    good popup traffic

  3. pnw64577 says:

    i’ve been working with ezmob for the past 6 months, very dedicated team and good system to run my campaigns

  4. k282472 says:

    Great service, good team, overall very positive experience working with these guys

  5. jade says:

    Relaunched — check 06.20.2018

  6. jade says:

    ‘Error establishing a database connection’-03.31.2018

1 2 3 21

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