AdXchanger Traffic Exchange

AdXchanger is the first completely automated traffic exchange.

They provide website owners and advertising networks with the opportunity to monetize 100% of their traffic by exchanging the traffic they’re unable to sell for traffic that can be sold.

The way it works is simple:

1. You send all of the traffic you can’t sell (remnant traffic) to your AdXchanger link.

2. AdXchanger forwards that traffic to other members within their network and you get credited for each visitor you send.

3. AdXchanger will then send back the same amount of traffic to the URL you provide them with in their control panel. This traffic will be coming from other members in the network.

4. You then try to monetize the new traffic they’ve sent to you. You can send the traffic directly to ad networks or to personal websites with ads on them.

5. If you’re unable to monetize the traffic sent by AdXchanger, just send it back to them and they’ll replace it with new visitors as well.

Here’s a very simple example of how AdXchanger works:

EXAMPLE: You send 10,000 visitors that you’re unable to monetize to AdXchanger’s link. They will credit your account for 10,000 visitors and then send that same amount of visitors back to your website. Maybe you’re only able to monetize 8,000 of the visitors they send to you. That’s okay! Just send the remaining 2,000 back to them and they’ll replace them again.

The philosophy behind AdXchanger’s system is that you keep sending unsold traffic into their platform until you’ve monetized 100% of your visitors.

AdXchanger is used by thousands of website owners, ad networks and traffic arbitragers. If you have traffic that you can’t sell to anyone else, simply forward it to them and they’ll replace it with new traffic.

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