
AdWorldMedia Network Description

AdWorldMedia is an online ad network that provides web publishers with a guaranteed income and advertisers with high-quality web sites and targeted online advertising capabilities. Our goal is to provide publishers with the ability to earn some of the highest effective CPMs in the industry, and to allow advertisers to increase their return on investment.

Our superior ad serving technology with selective targeting abilities and sophisticated fraud management, allows our clients real-time campaign tracking that gives them the ability to create successful online marketing campaigns.

Our Chief Technology Officer, Joe Kuzma comes from working at Microsoft Corporation for many years and yields his expertise to ensure our systems are running smoothly and efficiently.

AdWorldMedia Network Details
Commission Type: Pop-Ups/Unders,Interstitial Ads
Minimum Payment: $ 50
Payment Frequency: NET30
Payment Method: Check,Paypal
Country: US
Contact: Telephone:888-710-7474
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AdWorldMedia Payment Proof
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3 Responses to "AdWorldMedia"

  1. Anu says:

    My payment status is Coming Soon ,,

    Scam Alert !!!

  2. avd89 says:

    hello boss
    how me payment is cooming soon
    when you send me money
    i need me money

  3. Alexia Kyparissou says:

    Warning: Unsafe Website Blocked!

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