Mediaglad empowers the Publishers to adapt their stock smartly with Our Optimized and Innovative Solutions.
Idiosyncratic Technology: Our Technology and Algorithms enable Publishers to build the conceivable outcomes to amplify the Revenues through access to our wide assortment of advertisers from various verticals.
Since, we are banded together with Top Brand Advertisers, we can guarantee you the accessibility of Quality Campaigns for your activity.
You can screen your traffic rendering by means of our brilliant reporting and investigation apparatuses and streamline the traffic frequently.
Since, we are cooperated with Top Brand Advertisers, we can guarantee you the accessibility of Quality Campaigns for your activity.
Also, our incite mastery examination and suggestions brings best yield for your activity giving aggressive costs and eCPMs.
Mediaglad Network Details | |
Commission Type: | CPC /CPM |
Minimum Payment: | $ 50 |
Payment Frequency: | Net 60 |
Payment Method: | Paypal, Wire |
Country: | Singapore |
Contact: | Email: Skype: shashi.gun |
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