I’m work with CPMstar more than 1 Years.
But I haven’t received my payment for November 2018 at the begining of this month.
till 01.18.2019 I email to publishers@cpmstar.com,nick@cpmstar.com,jorge@cpmstar.com inquiry my payment no respone. 01.23.2019 i paused the ad code and request my payments again, got respone from jorge@cpmstar.com below and ” account disable”.
‘Your account was flagged and closed because you have been sending fraudulent traffic. You are in clear violation of our terms and conditions and CPMStar is not obligated to make payment on fraudulent traffic. We have no tolerance for this type of violation.’
Then they don’t respone my emails till now.
I have some questions:
Why they don’t tell me the traffic problem, Just disabe my account directly? if appear the fraudulent traffic now, Why they buckle all of my payments?
Why they don’t disable my account earlier? This payments cycle is wasted my 2 and a half months times.
Why can’t provide the fraudulent traffic details?
They don’t give me the fraudulent traffic details, and don’t accept check the traffic, Just don’t give pay no reasons.
So, i suddenly realized they want to swindle my payments ($1,983.82@Nov,$1,666.27@Dec), I’m an individual and do not loc in US, can’t bring a lawsuit. But I can remind all of the webmaster “Don’t wateaed your timeS. Stay Away CPMstar,”