7 Ways to Make Money Online

Yes, They Are Legit!

Don’t deny it. The sound of making money online sounds too good to be true. However, this is no longer wishful thinking as more and more people are earning real cash via online means.

The possibility of taking control over your time and finances sounds too tempting. Not to mention quitting your nine to five job and being your own boss. If you are unsure as to where to start, then let me help you. Here I’ve listed 7 Ways to Make Money Online. Yes, it is totally legal.


A webinar is an online event that connects you and your viewers simultaneously from around the world. What makes webinars engaging is interactivity as well as sending and receiving information in real-time.

Now how to make money out of it? Though most webinars are indeed free, you can still make money by offering a paid product at the end. By using your free information drive, aka the webinar, your listeners can buy your product to act on what they have learned.

A webinar that offers good educational value to your attendees will make them open to your sales pitch. The key is when you pick your webinar topic, make sure you know it very well. Always set an expectation at the start. Make sure that it will align with your pitch at the end of your webinar.

Freelance Writing

There are numerous ways to make money out of writing. However, before you start, first you need to have a blog. After all, this is the perfect place to improve your style and build a following.

To commence the money-making project, you can start using your blog. Putting a sidebar ad is one of the simplest things you can do, and if you have a sizable following, you can also put up a donate button. If you are now confident with your skills, advertise by putting a collaboration ad in your blog. Inform potential clients that your pen is for hire.

Do you fancy publishing your own book? Thanks to Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, getting your literary work out there is easier than ever. Just upload your work, make sure it is Kindle-ready, and advertise to everyone that you know that you already have a book on Amazon. Also, remember to write about it on your blog plus include an ad on your sidebar!

Sponsored Posts

Basically, sponsored posts are articles that are paid by brands or companies to get published. Companies usually hire the site owner to write it and will pay correspondingly.

These sponsored posts can be product reviews, offers, launching of a campaign or new product, videos, infographics, or social media features. To get started, make sure to build a portfolio that is aligned with a niche or business.

Once you have garnered some experience and built a strong portfolio, you can try partnering with marketing agencies to extend your reach. Make sure to maintain a good relationship with clients by pumping out excellent content consistently.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing can be dubbed as one of the oldest marketing practices that is still alive today. This marketing practice is basically earning a commission on a sale that is made through the affiliate’s recommendation. It is a cheap and easy marketing technique that can be pulled off smoothly as you won’t need to have or even sell a product.

However, know that this passive income source is highly competitive. Know your way around and determine what works and what doesn’t. To get started, create a website and make sure to supply it with remarkable content and devise a strategy to attract users. Do this and you are now ready to sign up for affiliate programs. Though it seems easy, it requires tons of patience before you start earning big bucks as an affiliate.


Starting a podcast is one of the big income stream trends nowadays. The massive demand for audio-only content is on the rise, and the most lucrative way to answer this need is via podcast.

Though podcasting is not new, it seems that its momentum is just starting to pick up. Naturally, this is the best time to start and make money. After all, society’s clamor for information is insatiable. Though videos have its charm, podcast still has its appeal and advantage. For example, you can’t watch videos all the time, like when driving or going for your daily run.

Now to start earning, you may opt to promote products and services that you already have. However, if you have nothing to sell, you can promote other people’s business and earn a commission by doing so. Once your podcast grows, you can now gain profit through sponsorships as well as product mentions. There’s no limit to the ways to make money with your podcast.

Email marketing

Email marketing is a marketing strategy that aims to reach out to targeted audiences via email. Your main goal is to start promoting products and services by getting personally in touch with prospective clients.

The content of your emails may vary from discounts, product launch, upcoming special offers, or any announcement that you wish to make. The main idea of email marketing is to create brand awareness while building loyalty to existing customers.

To start earning, you first need to find a product or service to retail. After all, without a product, you can’t start anything. Though you don’t necessarily have to market your own products or services as you can write for other established businesses as well.

Sell Digital Products

With how technology is ramping up, even sales and marketing are joining in the trend. Before digital products are unheard of, but now almost everything has a digital version. Before we buy music albums, books and attend actual seminars. But now these things can be purchased and consumed digitally.

A digital product is anything that can be sold through digital channels such as electronic files or website access. What makes this a lucrative business is that you don’t need a sizeable capital for a digital product. Because, unlike when selling physical products, you will need resources to get started.

To start you can sell photos, e-books, or software. You can virtually sell anything as long as there is a demand for it.


There are tons of ways to earn money online, and the ones listed here are just the basics to get started. If you have the passion and creative skill to follow through, building your stable income stream through conducting online business is not an empty dream.

Research, learn, and improve yourself as an online business is a competitive battlefield. So, get started, and you will find yourself writing the very first page of your success story. For more info, you can always check out Hayk Saakian.

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