
Cointraffic Network Description

Cointraffic is a worldwide digital advertising platform for the bitcoin and cryptocurrency industry based in Tallinn, Estonia. In 2019, the company reported serving 300 million unique ad impressions per month across a network of over 400 crypto websites.

Cointraffic allows digital marketers to engage visitors and boost conversion rates through tailored banner, display and native advertising formats, through which they provide media publishers with a stable income stream from their website traffic.


Cointraffic was founded in 2014 by Sergei Verbitski, Yuri Filatov and Maxim Kalmokov. All founders had been involved in various niche cryptocurrency-related projects before the platform was started, and were among the earliest adopters of bitcoin.

Their decision to start the company was based on the observation that advertising networks catering specifically to cryptocurrency advertisers was absent. They saw a great opportunity for future growth in building the technology to support this fast-rising industry.

Over the last 5 years Cointraffic has grown from a small one-room office with a single developer to over 30 employees and €10M revenue, as of 2018.

Cointraffic Network Details
Commission Type: CPC /CPM  Banner,Native,Sticky,Premium header,Press Release Distribution
Minimum Payment: BTC (€25), Wire()
Payment Frequency: Request, Weekly
Payment Method: BTC, Wire
Country: Estonia
Contact: Telephone:
Email: ,
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Cointraffic Payment Proof
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