The internet is a robust marketplace to sell your services today. With a particular skill, all you need to do is to monetize it by becoming a freelancer. Whatever skill you may have, there is a high chance that you are not the only one offering it. There is also a big chance that others make more freelance income earn than you do. When you hear about what they make, you may freak out and wonder how they do it. Luckily, there is something you can with these six tips to increase your freelance income today
- Get Rid Of Clients Serving You Less
When you start as a freelancer could be a writer, a designer, or a programmer, you feel that you can put up with a client paying very late. The other calls to check in every few minutes as you work on their project. Others pay you way below the standard rate. It is your time to let this client go. The reason is that they suck up most of the energy you could use on a highly deserving client. You need a client that understands your impact on their business. You need a client that respects you and does not pay you just to see your work on their next project.
A good sign is that every time you do a project, you feel that the work pays you less than the effort it takes for you to perfect it. It may be time to up your game, step out of the door and get a better deal somewhere else. Sometimes you might be the reason your pay is less. It is always good to know what the client feels about your work and ask for more. Notice when the correction being asked for is a revision or out of the scope of work.
- Know How Much You Wish to Charge and Stick to the Quote
As a freelancer, you are mostly working from home, sometimes in a shared office or a co-working space. All these locations have different costs. The typical freelancer will need to pay for the internet, electricity, water, among other monthly expenses. You may need to ask yourself the plans you have for the future and whether whatever you make can help you make that future possible. What follows is that you may need to ask yourself the amount of work you need to do to pay for those expenses and expectations.
Avoid the mistake of just coming up with a number and for once think about your needs. Just like the client, you run a business, and you need to avoid the worries of being broke. If you need $1000 for your expenses and you charge $20 an article, then it means you have to do 13 articles every week. Remember that as a freelancer, you are responsible for your health, food, shelter, personal development, amongst other things. Take your time to know what you need for expenses and the effort it requires.
Writing services can pay even more if you are great at it. Consider some of the best freelancer writing out there that pay good rates, such as Top Essay Writing, Classy Essay, or Write Scout.
As you write for these pages, your pay relies on the quality of your content. Make your grammar excellent using a good editing tool like Grammarly or make the content unique with One Text tool.
- Be Creative About What You Offer
As a freelancer, there is a temptation to think that you need to offer services available on a job board. Different companies function differently and have peculiar needs. If you have an interest in a particular company, call them. Ask about what they need, consider calling multiple organizations, and tailor services to meet those needs. Charge well for precisely what you are offering, and you will not have to worry about your freelance income anymore.
“I charged pretty less when I was starting my freelance business because I had no idea. I took a day off my freelance writing projects, researched, and developed a payment schedule for services I needed to offer. Today I charge up to 10 to 20 times more than what I charged for SEO articles before, and they pay because I offer what they need,” shares Estelle Leotard, a Subjecto writer and editor.
- Pay Attention to Your Enterprise First
The first time you start freelancing, you feel pretty comfortable about the much you get paid. You do your best for that client, and if you get another client later, you feel great about it. This approach is very casual. If you are serious about getting paid more, then it is time to take a front seat. For example, if you run a writing business, you may need to learn content marketing, so you can gain more attraction to your brand, gain more clients, and become your boss.
Bottom line, always spend a moment every week or every day to make your business better. You will realize that you have control and that you have your money working for you. This means you have others working under you, that you can outsource the services of others and even have someone else to manage your business for you. As a freelancer, you have a better chance of profitability with a team than as an individual. Create a remote work team for your enterprise and make the process of making more money as a freelancer easier for yourself.
- Start Thinking Big and Act On It
There is so much you do these days, and you may feel it is enough, but it is not. In whatever you do, there are big players out there. The truth is that they started where you are right now, but they got out of the comfort zone. Take an example of one successful freelancer and aspire to be better than them. Create a better brand. Move from your local clients to more international clients. Tap into more profitable marketplaces and close a bigger deal that pays you better. When you think you are there, push yourself a little bit more and avoid the feeling that you are less appreciated for what you offer.
- Learn to Say No to Some Clients
Some clients still pay as low as $2 for a 500-word article, wow, no matter how fast you need that money, avoid the temptation. Some freelancer writers earn $100 or more for such an article, no hassle. Ask yourself whether you need to do seven articles a day for a week for 2 dollars to get $100 or less than an hour for the same amount. It is in your hands, do not downplay your capabilities. Say no and save yourself the energy and time to work on more deserving projects. That should be your mantra.
Now that you are an excellent freelancer in your industry and have some experience, you need to revisit how much you earn. Your freelance income can be your source of joy or pain. You do not want to come short at the end of every month. The above earn more as freelancer tips should help with that.
Diana Adjadj used to be a marketing consultant for Specific Appraisals for over 2 years. Now she is sharing her experience and practical tips in her blog 3to5marketing.com. Diana also is a good friend of Studyker where she gladly shares her notes for writing blog posts and does some editing.