
NewsletterHut Network Description

First of all I want to tell you that Newsletterhut is a unique concept, there is no such thing on the internet.

So what is NewsletterHut?
NewsletterHut enables publishers to passively monetize their websites via newsletters while providing the ideal environment for advertisers to promote their offers, services and products.

Why monetize your traffic with NewsletterHut?
Using a classic ad network (CPM / CPC / CPA) you earn money every time a visitor visits your site, click on an ad or complete an offer.
With NewsletterHut you win even after you no longer have visitors on the site or you decide to close the site.
According to the average email open rate is 18% and the average email unsubscribe is 0.1%.

How does the monetization process work?

Integrate NewsletterHut’s Widget:
Once your website is approved by our staff, you will need to insert a line of code on your website’s pages. This line of code will add the NewsletterHut JavaScript library to your website and allow the next steps to take place.
This process usually takes anywhere between 1 and 5 minutes depending on how many pages you want to add the JavaScript library to.

Collect Email Subscriptions:
Once the JavaScript library is integrated you will start collecting email subscriptions. A subscriber is a person that was interested in your website’s content and would like to be notified via email when you release new content.
Collecting subscribers is a never ending process and it scales with each and every subscription. So… The sky is the limit, literally!

Collect Your Earnings:
This is the part we’re all waiting for. The best thing about it is that it’s constant and it can only go up since subscriptions never expire and the only way to lose subscribers is for them to specifically request to unsubscribe.
Let’s assume that your website has 100 visitors per day. Out of 100 visitors 10 subscribe to your newsletters. In 30 days you’ll have 300 subscribers. After another month 600. After a year 3600 subscribers.

NewsletterHut Network Details
Commission Type: CPM, Email Advertising
Minimum Payment: $ 10
Payment Frequency: On Request(the payment will be send in maximum 10 business days)
Payment Method: Paypal, Wire
Country: România
Contact: Telephone: +40 (728) 704 639
Join This Network
NewsletterHut Payment Proof
(if you got paid by this network, it will be very thankful for sending me a snapshot with key-information shielded.)
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