Ad Igniter(Closed)

AdIgniter Network Description
Ad Igniter was imagined as a open source project in its infant ages, As time and Ad Igniter grew so did our vision. The developer team has since then decided to close the source code and revamped Ad Igniters deleivery code from the ground up. Our new mission was to develop the fastest ad delivery system. After long research we have noticed one major factor in ad delivery (SPEED) slow loading ads do not convert as well as blazing fast ads.
Ad Igniter offers a high level of service, statistics, control and transparency to help our customers succeed. We are a simple and effective ad network suitable for advertisers and publishers of all sizes.
AdIgniter Network Details
Commission Type: CPM,banner,video, mobile, in text ads, pop
Minimum Payment: $ 50
Payment Frequency: NET60
Payment Method: Paypal,Cheque
Country: CA
Contact: Telephone:+ (1) 8888096961
Email:[email protected]
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AdIgniter Payment Proof
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6 Responses to "Ad Igniter(Closed)"

  1. Jesus says:

    send lot of mails and no response me
    i have 2 payments pending

  2. julia says:

    Guys it’s a pure scam site! Please, stay away from them and never work with them. No replies to mails, no money. What NET60 are you talking about? Even if they had NET over9000 they would never pay because they are scams. Owes us over $2500! Of course, to pay $78 is not a problem but to pay $2500 seems like a Galaxy challenge for them.

  3. Reddyzz says:

    They do pay. I started to use ad igniter 5 months ago and have been paid 3 times so far.
    I know they had issues with reporting a while back but seems to be resolved now.
    Simple and great CPM company.

  4. jade says:

    We try more CPM network,have received payments you can view

  5. Sameer says:

    I have searched a lot about minimum payment of ad igniter, but could not find it. According to u its 50$ n from paypal.

    I have sent them 2 mails but no reply from them.

    I am not sure if they are legit or not.

    Has anyone received payment from them?? Keep us updated.


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