

eDomz Network Description

Founded in 2005 , eDomz.com is a technology driven online advertising company that enables direct marketers and internet retailers to maximize their profits by providing professional strategy and high quality services. Our predictive technology connects you to consumers through multiple channels including email, messaging, search, social networks and domain.

With our outstanding campaigns and solutions we are revolutionizing the very way advertising is created, targeted, purchased and sold. We are uniquely poised to add value to your business. Advertisers are increasingly using our marketing solutions to promote their offers.

eDomz Network Details
Commission Type: CPC,PPC,PPV
Minimum Payment: $ 10
Payment Frequency: NET15
Payment Method: Paypal/ Moneybookers/ Webmoney
Country: US
Contact: Telephone:877-604-6786
Email:[email protected]
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eDomz Payment Proof
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18 Responses to "(Closed)eDomz"

  1. Ronen Raveh says:

    Recommend exoner.com
    CPM Rate higher

  2. newptp2016 says:

    payment account but not received in paypal

  3. gidion says:

    I wait a payment.

  4. i am using popads and i think popads is better than edomz

  5. sohug says:

    they have banned me just near at peyment.i have asked their team why you have bannned me they repied me facebook traffic is not allowed inm their networks.i have lost $64.i wish if i would fuck them

1 2

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