
TrafficTaxi Network Description
We got our start in 2002 with a simple goal, to bring advertising to the internet masses and make it easily attainable for all. In the years since then, we have acquired valuable knowledge and experience that has translated into the ability to create better solutions and to further ourselves in the ultimate goal, meeting the expectations of our clients.
Today, we operate an ad network built from the ground up with technology developed entirely in-house. Our system was designed to take the guess work out of campaign management, to streamline running multiple ad formats side by side, and to eliminate the time that would otherwise be lost to routine account maintenance.
TrafficTaxi Network Details
Commission Type: Display   – Non-Display- Pop-Unders
Minimum Payment: $
Payment Frequency: NET30
Payment Method: Paypal,Cheque
Country: US
Contact: Telephone:
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TrafficTaxi Payment Proof
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