Revenue Cloud(Closed)

Revenue Cloud Network Description
Revenue Cloud is a privately owned company located in the creative heart of Berlin and was established in 2006. As a subsidiary of redvertisment Group, one of the largest providers of performance display ads in Europe, we have our 13-member team on a large pool of resources and years of experience in online market.We believe that Real Time Bidding is the ideal condition to means of socio-demographic data, our proprietary technology and specific targeting with a focus on targeted user-targeting to make display advertising as successful as keyword ads can. By accessing and interconnection of almost all available auction platforms, marketers, ad exchanges and ad networks we reach almost any available user, your potential customers, the net through our trading platform for you. We are very proud to haben.Wir already contributed to the growth of the business of many companies of all sizes think of online marketing from a customer perspective and believe in transparency in the price as well as reporting, because quality is impressive. As a service provider, we see ourselves more as a consultant to the customers – perfect for your online marketing. And because we are so confident in our solution, we offer instant access to each: Log on now and try!
Revenue Cloud Network Details
Commission Type: CPM(Cost Per Impressions)
Minimum Payment: € 45
Payment Frequency: NET30
Payment Method: Bank Transfer
Country: DE
Contact: Telephone:+ 49 30 22 33 44 70
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Revenue Cloud Payment Proof
(if you got paid by this network, it will be very thankful for sending me a snapshot with key-information shielded.)
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One Response to "Revenue Cloud(Closed)"

  1. TheMaster says:

    revcloud is the best trading desk in the world. we love it!

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