Tube8 Joins the EroAdvertising Ad Network

Tube8 Joins the EroAdvertising Ad Network as a Publisher from 1st of May 2012.

As the spring is in full swing, Tube8 is yet another major addition to the EroAdvertising Offer after adding YouPorn recently as a major contribution to the growing amount of traffic and sites for the already well populated ad network.

Tube8 grew within the past four years into one of the most popular sites on the internet overall with millions of bookmarkers returning to the site every month to view their favorite videos.

The selection of spots available through EroAdvertising makes for an exciting opportunity for advertisers offering a variety of products including live cams, dating, male enhancement pills etc. to easily target a major audience.

The spots are offered on a CPM bidding basis as well as flat rate and are also available to geo-target country by country for regional specific offers, where advertisers can conveniently set a daily budget and track the results for each campaign.

“We are very happy for this excellent addition to our line up, Tube8 truly is a mogul on the tube site landscape and its valuable traffic definitely has a lot to offer to our advertisers” says Judy Shalom, CMO of EroAdvertising.

With the addition of Tube8 the whole EroAdvertising network now counts over 2 billion impressions per day and offers a massive selection of traffic to its advertisers, available to select by country, as a niche specific or by site.


Streaming the best free porn videos on Tube 8. We have the Best SEXtube on the net giving you the HOTTEST free sex movies & porntube videos.


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