AdExcite Update: Two More Revenue Earning Options

Here at AdExcite, we’re continually working on new revenue-generating opportunities for our publishers.

To that end, we’re happy to announce two new revenue programs that you can choose to opt into.

There is nothing else to do on your part, simply sit back and enjoy the incremental revenue that each of these programs deliver!

Program 1 | The vPlayer Unit
AdExcite has secured advertising buys from several clients who prefer a higher impact interstitial unit called the vPlayer. The vPlayer delivers a 15 or 30 second video ad in an over-the-page interstitial that shades the page while it is playing. The vPlayer is still closeable by the user after a few seconds. We are offering a $4.50 floor cpm on this unit guaranteed until July 31, 2012, and you will also see increased fill rates on your inventory.
If you opt-in to accept this unit, it will appear out of the same tag as the vSlider unit currently does—there is nothing to do on your part. In addition, only a part of your impressions will appear as vPlayer ads (est. at less than 50%), while the remainder will continue to be vSlider format. Currently, we are only offering the vPlayer in conjunction with the vSlider and not on its own.
Program 2 | International Impressions
AdExcite is seeing increased demand for international impressions in the countries listed below. While payout cpm’s will vary and will often be higher, we are offering inclusion in international campaigns at a $2.50 floor cpm. If you opt to include your site in international campaigns, you will experience higher ongoing impression and revenue levels. All international ads are delivered via the same ad tag and vSlider ad format as US-targeted ads.
If you opt-in to international ad impressions and you are currently running the AdExcite vSlider ad tag through an ad server, please open up your geo-targeting to the countries listed below. If you are running the AdExcite vSlider ad tag directly on your pages, you do not need to make any changes—ads will begin appearing in international locations automatically.
New Zealand

Form”  The AdExcite Publisher Team ”


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