Specific Media(Closed)

Specific Media is an innovative global interactive media company that enables advertisers to connect with consumers in meaningful, impactful and relevant ways.

In July 1999, Tim Vanderhook founded the company with his brothers, Chris and Russell. Through its superior technology and expansive reach, Specific Media soon began to play a major role in shaping the direction of the online advertising industry by enabling marketers to address advertising to specific consumer segments across the online world.

Today, the company is leading the next phase of the advertising evolution by being the first to integrate display, video, mobile and IPTV into a single unified platform. Specific Media makes addressable advertising a reality, working across formats and screens and delivering a comprehensive set of targeting technologies and measurement capabilities.

Specific Media is the partner of choice for brand advertisers, with a notable Fortune 500 advertiser base and a roster of name brand publisher partners. Headquartered in Irvine, CA, Specific Media currently has offices across the U.S. and Europe.

Site Url http://www.specificmedia.com/
Contact info@specificmedia.com
Minimum payout $50
Payment method NET 30
Payout rate Check
Pays for banners, video, search,email ,CPA
Country CA
Founded in 1999
Powered Specific Media, LLC


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