Outdoorzy Ads(Closed)

Outdoorzy Ads Network Description

OutdoorzyAds was founded by Shawn Rubel, and based off the BuySellAds platform.

A few years back Shawn had a problem: as a publisher and an advertiser Shawn found himself consumed with the day to day task of buying and selling advertising. As a publisher, he was charging advertisers a fixed monthly rate to advertise on his websites. As an advertiser, he was buying ads to promote the websites. But he found the whole process pretty frustrating.

As a publisher, he would forget when he had to put up and take down banners. He also found that managing the ads was time-consuming and would eat into his work as a publisher. As an advertiser, he faced similar challenges: finding ad space all by himself, keeping track of his ads and the websites where they appeared. This cut into his other marketing efforts.

In 2010 Shawn teamed up with BuySellAds to form OutdoorzyAds.com and move into and industry that was in desperate need for transparency and simplicity.

Outdoorzy Ads Network Details
Commission Type: CPM, Auction
Minimum Payment: $ 20 – Paypal , $ 50 –  Check
Payment Frequency: Request
Payment Method: Paypal,Check
Country: US
Contact: Telephone:
Email: [email protected]
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Outdoorzy Ads Payment Proof
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