
Qadabra Network Description

Qadabra is a self-serve ad platform created explicitly for publishers looking to monetize their website traffic by earning revenue through performance-based advertising.

There are no rigid guidelines, no minimum impression volume and no frustrating “slaps”.Just great technology working in the service of your entrepreneurial spirit, powering a highly-sophisticated, automated ad platform with an intuitive interface and profitable dividends with guaranteed, hassle-free integrity.

It’s as easy as 1,2,3.    Publishers can sign up within 15 seconds, create and implement their placements, and let Qadabra do the work.

Qadabra Network Details
Commission Type: Revenue Share
Minimum Payment: Paypal ($1 minimum), Wire ($500 minimum)
Payment Frequency: NET 45
Payment Method: Paypal,Wire, Payoneer
Country: US
Contact: Skype:  QadabraSupport 

Email:  [email protected]

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Qadabra Payment Proof
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40 Responses to "Qadabra(Closed)"

  1. interval says:

    Not a bad network… I’d give it a 3/5 stars. Attached is screenshot of revenue vs. numbers. Approx eCPM is .12 – would like to see this at .25+ if possible – thanks!

  2. amit harish says:

    thanx for sharing such a nice ino regarding qadabra. please write a blog on that how much pay per click or per impression.

    thanxfor sharing

  3. Patricia says:

    Hi to all!

    Thank you for the positive reviews. We are very happy to hear that publishers are satisfied with our platform and we strive to improve our services every day.
    If you ever have any doubts, we are always available to answer any questions or help with any doubts.

    You can contact us by emailing our support team at [email protected].

    Also, we are excited to inform our publishers that Adsgadget has upgraded to a new name and design and our new site and facebook page will be live by the end of today!
    We invite you all to visit our new website @

    Looking forward to seeing you all online!


    • Sam says:

      I Think you missed some thing. i.e. their ecpm rate . their ecpm rate is quite less then other networks. Their calculation is not perfect . I am using it on my site and generating 10000+ impression and earning only $ 0.18 .Isn’t it quite worst.
      And one more thing they are poor in calculation.Because if ecpm is 0.02 and for 10635 impression they paid only $ 0.18 .
      I also have informed them on their contact link but they didn’t respond.

      But they are paying what you earn ( more then $1 )

  4. ansh says:

    what is the cpm rate u got from adsgadget?

  5. Learnfromnet says:

    Nice network so far from our personal research, Ads seems professional and load time of the ads are fast and did not affect site load time. Good for newbie’s willing to monetize their websites.

  6. I am also using these ads. The signup process is quite simple. And they do show indian ads.

    I am not sure about payments.

  7. wishdropper says:

    Just a great adnetwork,i have signed up and start using ads,no approval required,and revenue is very good,ads too.
    My payment for a few days:

  8. Sridhar says:

    I have recently signed up for Ads Gadget. It was quite easy to insert the ads after signing up. All I had to do was copy the relevant code from Ads Gadget and put it in the html code section in my blog. However, since I had not made my mind as to where I want the advts. to appear, I did my changes….for my own comfort.
    However, if you have a good layout and know where the ads should go it only takes a few seconds or max a minute to configure the ads on your site or blog.

    Since I joined recently I’m not sure about the payouts, kind of ads, etc. There were few contextual ads that were relevant, and few were generic. Too early to comment on this..

    I also like to hear from people running websites/blogs from India about Ads gadget and the experience.

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