Exciting news from SellMeYourTraffic.com!

Below from SellMeYourTraffic mail:

We have officially launched our all-new, completely redesigned Ad Platform!  The software has been re-written from the ground up, and includes a powerful new control panel designed to view your stats more efficiently and in much greater detail.

Please create a new publisher account in the new platform at your earliest convenience – you may use the same username as previously used in the old platform.  If you are currently sending traffic to the old platform, please transition your traffic sources over to the new platform right away, as we will be removing our ad inventory from the old system starting August 31.

***Please do NOT send the same traffic sources to both platforms at the same time, as this will increase dropped clicks, and decrease your overall earnings***
***Please note as you implement the *new code* that some variables in the URL have changed slightly from our old system***

If you are not currently sending traffic to our old platform, I encourage you to sign up now and have a look inside! Feel free to give our new software a test drive, and look through the new detailed statistics section to see how much revenue you can be earning from your traffic!

Please sign up now at http://go.sellmeyourtraffic.com/signup.html

Also, we are pleased to announce the addition of a complete Direct Advertiser component to our platform.  It will be available in a week or so, and will allow you to purchase traffic directly, in an incredibly simple and efficient way!  More details coming shortly…

Feel free to contact me via e-mail or IM if you have any questions, or would like further information regarding this exciting new step forward.

Paul C.
ICQ – 636239737
AIM –  paul@sunlightmedia.ca
Gtalk –  paul@sunlightmedia.ca

About SellMeYourTraffic

SellMeYourTraffic.com is an online media company founded by a team with over a decade of experience in online advertising. Our team’s extensive background in CPA, CPV, PPC, in-line, and contextual advertising gives us the resources needed to provide a first-class service in this fast changing market.

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One Response to "Exciting news from SellMeYourTraffic.com!"

  1. sachin says:

    How to request payouts?

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