AdJuggler Launches Version 8 with Advanced In-App Mobile Capabilities on iOS and Android Devices

ALEXANDRIA, Va – AdJuggler Inc., a leading provider of SaaS-based digital ad management technology and media services for publishers and ad networks, has released version 8 of its platform, providing extensive targeting and monetization capabilities for inventory on iOS and Android tablets and smart phone devices. The new release supports application-centric mobile providers, as well as publishers and networks seeking to integrate display, mobile, and video in one campaign and on one unified platform. Customers can also monetize their in-app and mobile web inventory with programmatic buying through AdJuggler’s Exchange Media Program.

“The usage shift to mobile is undeniable, and the rapid evolution of smart phones and tablets is enabling both mobile web and mobile applications to be increasingly effective advertising channels,” said John Shomaker, CEO of AdJuggler. “Equally important, our customers tell us they want to support integrated campaigns, across a common work flow, and a common platform. Version 8 leverages the same intuitive interface, yet now with expanded features for mobile campaigns, targeting, and reporting.”

Christopher Weiss, Vice President of Media Services added, “This release provides customers with IAB compliant software development kits (SDKs) that adhere to the emerging Mobile Rich Media Ad Interface Definitions (MRAID) and Open Rich Media Mobile Advertising (ORMMA) application programming interface. Our publishers and their developers are opening up new ad revenue streams by integrating these into their iOS and Android applications. The cornerstone of this release is our hyper-accurate GPS-based targeting which integrates AOL’s MapQuest interactive maps so users can click to target specific mobile geographic hot zones without having to enter cumbersome coordinates.”

AdJuggler version 8 also boasts tablet and smart phone targeting by mobile carrier, manufacturer, model, and operating system, as well as, a new cookie-less post-click tracking mechanism tailored to mobile environments.

About AdJuggler
AdJuggler ( enables publishers and networks to source and manage all media through one, integrated platform that maximizes yield, based on the value and preferences of each unique user. The company’s SaaS-based platform provides full-featured campaign management across display, mobile, and video formats, along with its Exchange Media Program, which monetizes non-guaranteed inventory from numerous RTB and network traffic sources. Customers also have access to AdJuggler’s rich API and mobile SDKs to integrate AdJuggler with other business applications. AdJuggler, Inc. is headquartered in Alexandria, VA.


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