Generate revenue protecting your content.

DollarUpload is the best site to monetize your web content with. You get paid money to protect any web content you own. You can also lock parts of your website or upload files and links that will be protected. We work with the best performing advertisers in the industry to ensure the highest payouts possible.
We pay an average of 1 dollar for each offer completed. This comes out to an average of $1,000 for 1000 visitors that gain access to your content! While typical offers average around $1.00 – You can earn anywhere between 30 cents up to 20 dollars for a single offer completed!
Start earning money with an established website or create microsites that target specific niches. Our gateway works well with any web content. It can be used for gaming websites, videos, templates, coupons, ebooks/tutorials and services. Our file and link gateway work well with any web content you want to upload or link to. Get paid for every person that gains access to your content!

Payout Section: You will be able to see the amount of earnings you have available for payment. Ten dollars is the cash out limit and can be done via Paypal,Payza(Alertpay),PayQuicker, SolidTrustPay, Check, Direct Deposit(U.S.), Wire Transfer(intl), and our DollarUpload Debit Card (Payoneer). Payments will be made net 15 (15 days after the end of each month.)

Quick Payout Section: You can now request a quick payout. A 20 percent fee will be taken and most payments are sent out within 24 hours.

Register now and start making money today uploading your files and links.


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