
AdForGames Network Description is a banner ad network dedicated to the game industry. we can help you to promote your game-related sites or monetize your game traffic. Advertisers can attract more game traffic using AdForGames. Our traffic have the quality with low bounce rate and high conversion, and our price is low in industry. Exchangers can get more earning since we pay higher rev share rate and we use banners with higher CTR so you can get higher CPM.
AdForGames Network Details
Commission Type: CPC, Only Game Ads
Minimum Payment: $ 20
Payment Frequency: Request
Payment Method: Paypal, Amazon US Gift Card, Alipay
Country: US
Contact: Telephone:
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AdForGames Payment Proof
adforgames payment proof
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Rating: 3.7/5 (36 votes cast)
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Rating: +9 (from 23 votes)

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4 Responses to "AdForGames"

  1. playxn says:

    they are good…100% legit and they always pay on time…i guaranteed it

  2. john says:

    Nice banners, average rates for cpc, but got awesome rates for cpm if you got an high CTR.
    The earnings generated in 1 day are in pending for max 1 day, after 1 day you got money confirmed in the earned balance, and ready to request payout.
    I Got Payed in 30 minutes after I requested payment.
    Admin is friendly and answer support.
    Best CPC I found so far!

  3. y3 says:

    I love to join but i need some proof and reviews from other webmaster. Love to try the ads. Seems great! Hope it pays more or more likely adsense rate!

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