
PremiumCPM Network Description

PremiumCPM is a Ad Private Network solely focused on servicing high end clients. We aim to provice a personalized experience for clients to deal one-on-one with a representitive reducing risk and increasing ROI. As a publisher your dedicated representitive will work with you to understand your business needs and monetize your inventory accordingly. Gain access to the highest level of publisher support in the industry. 24/7 support via email, phone, and instant messenger for your account. Get earnings reports personally emailed to you daily. More importantly, your dedicated representitive will get to know your inventory and effectively monetize your web traffic in ways which an automated system can’t. Our around the clock tech staff keep a close eye on all inventory passed through our network and in most cases contact your account manager to ensure an issue is fixed before it becomes one.

PremiumCPM is a 100% fill CPM Network.

PremiumCPM Network Details
Commission Type: CPM / 70% RevShare
Minimum Payment: $ 100
Payment Frequency: NET 45
Payment Method: Paypal,Check, Wire, Western Union
Country: US;  Countries Supported: World Wide
Contact: Telephone: +1(305)712-7300
Email: [email protected]
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PremiumCPM Payment Proof
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95 Responses to "PremiumCPM(Closed)"

  1. Nozart says:

    Hello, i want to share with you one print of my payment from PREMIUMCPM, this network is great, pays in time, and support is excellent.

    • liang says:

      dont try to fool us. You are the same shit who manage the premiumSH*Tpm.

      Get lost you Scammers. Liars

      Employers can run premiumsh*t ads on their own? Who the fck are you? You tried to roll our nuts? Then sending payment proof of your own staffs? LOL

      • PremiumCPM says:

        Funny assumption. We don’t pay employees via Paypal. We also, do not send our selves money and take screenshots of it; and never will. Employees are not allowed to post anything related to payments at all. Nor are they allowed to jump in to reply to people like you. We have a team which is dedicated to marketing and making sure all the ducks who go online to spread completely false information are properly given a quack. People are getting paid and this is clearly someone who was paid. Everyone who doesn’t get their way likes to call us a scam, yet they either don’t read contracts, try to extort us, do both, or send us completely fraudulent traffic. People who do these things not only are fooling themselves out of doing business the right way, but are also making our jobs far more difficult.

  2. matt says:

    Seems Scam,
    No contact information on their web info via
    Hmm.. if they not sending refund on advertisers and not paying publishers then when do the money went to?

    • PremiumCPM says:

      We love the fake names people post on here so they are not identified and can’t be called out for the fake traffic they send us. From my understanding there is contact information posted on our whois and that is our company phone number, and press email address for any press related questions. We pay publishers who send us legitimate traffic and do not continually try to defraud us. Its that simple. We don’t have just 2 advertisers either. The 2 you are making reference to, have issues none of which relating to our policies on traffic regulation and compliance. So when people like you come to post and say “seems scam” well it would to someone who sends fake traffic, or puts our ads in an invisible div, and we catch them, and ban them. “When do the money went to?” All of our other advertisers. Its actually really funny too because the publishers who come here to complain, don’t realize that we lose money everytime we catch someone engaging in fraud because we don’t make money on it, and still have to cover ad serving fee’s. Oh – and if we paid you with the knowledge that you committed a fraudulent act to obtain money, here in the United States that makes us an Accessory/Accomplice to Wire Fraud. So I beg the same question to you, that we will be asking anyone who posts here, post your url, we will gladly look into why you “really” think we “seems scam”.

    • PremiumCPM says:

      Yes, if you are sending us bot traffic stay away. This month we banned a lot of accounts for fraudulent activity. We dont ban accounts for no reason, and we don’t ban accounts who don’t engage in fraudulent activity. So since you claim we are a scam, please post your url which you used with us, and we would be happy to address your concerns of scam, and post the percentage of your traffic which is bot (if you are complaining about not getting paid, then it most be high). There are several accounts whom were banned in this time frame, all of which were for fraudulent activity.

  3. Red says:

    They are not sending payment to Publishers.
    They are not sending refund to Advertisers.
    Then where the hell did the money went in their system?..

    Stay away from this sh*t and do not waste your time.

    • PremiumCPM says:

      Hello “Red”. Its interesting we don’t have any history of working with anyone named Red, no advertiser, or publisher named Red. We are going to go under a great assumption that you are a publisher, which comes up with fake names, makes multiple fake applications, sends us fake traffic, got caught by our technology which finds it quite easily, got banned, wanted to get paid, but didnt. Sound Accurate? We recently banned a lot of bad actors and continue to do so regularly so when you ask your self why people come here to complain, notice out of hundreds of clients only 6 are on here complaining. You gave some great advice, if you are sending bot traffic, or using illegitimate methods for generating traffic or impressions, do not waste your time, you will be caught, and you will be banned when there is enough data for us to make such an extreme action.

  4. BoB says:

    I did not get any payment since July…

    Yes, I have already wrote to my account manager and I already wrote to: [email protected] – AT THE LAST MONTH!

    5 days ago (17th of November) I have got a message from my acc-manager:
    “You are scheduled to be paid today” … but still nothing.

    When will you pay?

    • PremiumCPM says:

      Interesting “Bob”. We also took the liberty to check in with compliance to review communication details amongst every Account Manager here on 11/17/14 and we noticed that not 1 email was sent on 11/17/14 addressed to any client named “Bob”. In speaking with compliance we did see a client (who went through great lengths to even hide their name from their skype account) speaking with someone here yesterday (11/27/14) who made reference to this post after being contacted and subsequently banned for sending us over 60% Bot traffic to unauthorized urls across several different accounts.

      • BoB says:

        Interesting… because I’m NOT registered to your system as “Bob”. I use this nickname only HERE, my name is not Bob… and NO, I’m NOT banned from your system, so just please answer to my question: WHEN WILL YOU PAY FINALLY?

        • PremiumCPM says:

          So bob isn’t your name, but you are using it as a nickname here? So, you are lying? Everyone gets paid NET 45 upon passing $100 in revenue, unless they are caught engaging in fraudulent activity (in which case payment would not be made). If you have a question or issue, you should contact your account manager, or you can speak with a live support representative, or you can even call us. In very rare occasions payments are delayed, and accounts are put under review for fraudulent activity. If you would like an answer here, please post your URL “BOB” so that we can tell you when you are getting paid (if you haven’t been banned for fraudulent activity).

          • BoB says:

            Man, wtf is wrong with you? Why are you “attacking” me? Im just asking you when will you pay me?

            Because I ALREADY wrote many of emails to my account manager and to the support email address. At the first few times you have sent back messages like: “you will be paid soon” and it was a MONTH ago. But few weeks ago you are not sending any reply to my emails… I never got any “banned” message from you, I can login to your system, my sites are still showing your ads, your system still counting the impressions+earnings – and NO, I DONT use bot/fake traffic, I have only real human traffic, mostly from the US/EU. I ran websites more than 10 years ago.

            I dont write my urls or my name here because I dont want to share my informations in public. And because I already sent many of emails to you about it. If your inbox folder is not full of with angry emails by the publishers, probably you can find all of my emails easily.

            No hard feelings, I just want to get the payments in time.

            • PremiumCPM says:

              How can we tell you when YOU will be paid, when YOU can’t even tell us who YOU are? You are not going to get help here going by the name “Bob” Especially when we know you are NOT Bob…If we don’t know who you are, how are we going to look through to find your emails? That does not make sense, at all. But, if you would like help, here is what we would suggest, go on to our site, and speak with a live operator, you will get help on the spot, and get answers. Unless you start posting information here to identify yourself or your site, you will not be getting help.

              • BoB says:

                I dont understand why I have to write it again and again every time…

                SO: I ALREADY wrote many of emails to my account manager and to the SUPPORT email address. At the first few times YOU SENT BACK MESSAGES like: “you will be paid soon” and it was at the begining of October!!! But then you have stopped to answer my emails even though I have sent 2-3 mails every week. Why you stoped to answer to my emails???

                Sorry but after reading the unbelievable “bob story” in your first reply here I gave time to myself to read the comments by other people, and after these I really started to dont trust in you… Thats why I dont want to identify myself – because it would be very easy to write another unbelievable story about why I didnt get the payment and why you have to ban me instantly – and I will never get my money…

                As I wrote already: If your inbox folder is not full of with angry emails by the non-paid publishers, probably you can find all of my emails easily, because I sent a lot, and for the first few ones you sent answer too: “You will be paid soon” … well-well…

                After reading the other comments I’m afraid that you don’t pay for your publishers.

                • PremiumCPM says:

                  We don’t have a single ticket on our support system at the moment which is from a publisher looking for payment who has sent us a message 2-3 times a week with out being responded to. You keep referring to your self “why did you stop answering me?” We don’t know who you are. Its as simple as that. You will not be helped until we are able to identify your account. The Bob story, well you are masking your name, and asking for help, while refusing to identify who you are, thus no help can be provided. The comments by other people are people who take the same approach as this, which is endless. Our support email is filled all the time with people who need help or have questions with all sorts of things including those interested in working with us. If you actually work with us, you are not 1 of a small number of publishers, we work with hundreds of publishers and unless you identify yourself, or reach out to us today to get the help you are seeking anonymously here, you will not be helped. You can read all the comments you want, there are 2 reasons publishers don’t get paid, not passing $100 in revenue, and/or sending us bot traffic or traffic deemed fraudulent. We would be happy to help you if you have issues related to your account, however, this approach to go about it will not bring about any change to the status of your account or payment as we are unable to identify you or your account. Simple. If you want help, reach out to us today, we will be happy to help. If we can’t identify who you are, you will not get any where with this issue.

  5. rulzzz says:

    PremiumCPM is scammer ad company dont pay!

    • PremiumCPM says:

      PremiumCPM actually paid out thousands of dollars to publishers about 2 days before you posted this comment. We do not pay publishers under 2 very distinct cases/rules. 1. The most common being not surpassing $100 in earnings. People think they passed $100 in earnings and didn’t, or people just expect to be paid no matter what and ignore the rules. 2. Being fraudulent activity on an Account. In today’s industry there are many forms of ad fraud. Some of which can be easy to catch some of which can be difficult to catch. Either way, Ad Fraud, is a problem plaguing the industry and is causing an alarming amount of destruction and loss. We do not tolerate it here. We do not pay for it. Considering ad fraud comes in many shapes and forms, our compliance team consistently reviews each site, account, and verify the account holder to ensure we are not charging valuable clients, and partners for inventory which has no business being bought/sold. With that said, we provide 24/7 support, and we have a complete ticketing system for handling any support requests, so if you have not received a payment you feel you are due, then reach out to us, we are more than happy to help. Also reaching out to your Account Manager is a good idea as well. Our support email is [email protected]

  6. Gila Weiss says:

    We have been trying to get a refund for the last two months, with no results. All we have received is an endless chain of promises from . Our recommendation: if you must work with them, do not, under any circumstances, give anything but the tiniest of advance payments. They are not trustworthy.

    • PremiumCPM says:

      Hello Gila,

      Great suggestions. We recommend anyone who is considering working with us clearly reads all terms, and understands all aspects of the engagement prior to launch. We recommend signing the IO before paying. We recommend reading the IO if the time comes when you would like to opt-out so to refresh your memory on the agreed upon process for such requests. It is NOT recommended that anyone requests an opt-out while unaware of the terms of engagement. It is not the liability of PremiumCPM or any other company for you waiting a prolonged period of time because you didn’t do what needed to be done, as a result it is best to make sure the terms of engagement are fully understood.

      We do NOT recommend – using channels such as this to seek help as this is not a way of getting it and will not result in such; just as we would highly recommend to anyone even contemplating doing business with us – please do NOT forge former employee signatures when you realize you didn’t sign an IO and are requesting to opt out. It complicates the situation a bit.

      Engaging in business and not knowing the terms of engagement is an absolutely poor business policy.

      • Gila says:

        No one forged his signature–we are still in touch with him and he signed off. However, you accepted the funds based on the terms of the IO. If you accepted the money and the contract without signature, that does not mean it’s free money. The terms of the IO allow for cancellation.

        I only used this channel after trying normal channels, without success.

        • PremiumCPM says:


          Our compliance department monitors all communications. As we do not wish to put it out in a mediums like this, you are quoted in a conversation during this situation as asking “Can I sign it?”. Then as your representative responded stating that he was just asking if it would be ok, you responded immediately with the following “That’s okay, we signed off Ross.”. Seems to contradict your statement above. It is incredibly difficult to make the claim that a company accepts money based on the terms of an IO when the paying company clearly did not take the time to read it or sign it. Your statement about free money is absolutely accurate. We completely agree with that. However, services were rendered, as they were with your first campaign which was successfully completed. If you engaged in payment based off the terms of the IO, then that implies that you knew the terms of the IO, which clearly you did not. What this comes down to, is a matter of business ethics. Regardless of all of this, we WERE still processing your request. There were a few extra hurdles to cross on this side for compliance purposes but it was being taken care of for you. Your representative was also in contact with you throughout and has remain in contact, responding to every email or line of communication opened up. It is NOT ethical however, to turn to public channels such as this to harm a companies reputation, when you are not getting what you want when you want it; with the expectation of gaining results. That is called Extortion. Regardless of such, we are escalating this matter to bring you directly in touch with the respective departments and bring resolution to this matter. We ask that you please cease and desist from forcing us to engage in this public conversation as we move this matter forward for you.

          • Gila Weiss says:

            I still have not heard from the relevant departments; nor have we received our refunds. As our account manager is unable to help with this matter (and he has tried) perhaps you could update me on your attempts to escalate?

            I note your opposition to use of a public forum and I spent a full additional month trying to work within the more standard channels. Unfortunately, and as noted above, the process is stuck; not a single one of my or our account reps emails to the finance department were answered. If you would have your finance department contact me directly (you have our account manager’s details and he can make the connection), I would be happy to discuss offline.

        • Stephanie says:

          Isnt this interesting?
          He wants people to post websites then suggest this isn’t the property.
          premiumcpm is a scam.

  7. YT Liang says:

    to an advertiser like me, its the worst experience.
    poor result, unbelievable attitude, not refunding balance.
    to people who want to try their service, avoid it!

    • PremiumCPM Support says:

      To an advertiser, expect the best support 24/7 via phone, email, and live operators. Some great inventory. Expect full service support. Make sure your campaign goals are clearly communicated. Also, make sure you read your IO and understand the refund process as this person failed to do. Not once has anyone here refused to honor a refund, let alone yours in particular.

  8. Greg Beard says:

    They are big scam. They always banned your accounts and give no reasons. In the meanwhile. They do not pay publisher. Do not trust the network.Their support is bad too.

    • PremiumCPM says:

      PremiumCPM only ban’s publishers for fraudulent activity. Always ban accounts? How many have you had? Because if 1 account was banned, and you keep applying for more… once you are banned – you are banned. We do not allow users to have more than 1 account.

      Interestingly enough we don’t have 1 application on file (currently or in the past) in the name “Greg Beard”.

      We provide 24/7 Support via Phone, Email, and Live Operators (on site). If you needed help you could have reached out at anytime, we are always available to help everyone.

      If you have an issue, or need more information – than please feel free to contact support or you can email us at [email protected]

      We absolutely reserve the right to ban anyone suspected of fraudulent activity, deception, applying with fake information, etc.



  9. Wrekoniz3 says:

    I run PremiumCPM ads on my personal sites. Great Rates. Great Support. 80% RevShare.

    • YT Liang says:

      and this is the guy who own premiumcpm, pretent a webmaster here.

      • PremiumCPM says:

        Actually employee’s are allowed to run their sites on PremiumCPM as well as long as their account is managed by another account manager. I believe wrekoniz3 actually did a full public write up explaining his stats and comparing stats on the same inventory with various other networks.

        As with a common theme we here at PremiumCPM see with YT Liang’s postings across the web – they lack facts.

        • liang says:

          Fake proof fake staff lol

          • PremiumCPM says:

            How do we have a fake staff? That makes no sense. That isn’t fake proof, nor is it proof of anything. As standard logic and common sense should imply – it looks like an example of rates on a particular site. We have already received emails from publishers who signed up after reading your nonsense and to quote them “LOL at that guy”. If we didn’t pay people, and if we did things as every one claimed – we wouldn’t be in business longer than six months. We have been in business since 2008. Proof? Fake Staff? Move on with your life.

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