
InDemandAds Reviews

InDemandAds Network Description
WE MAKE IT EASY FOR PUBLISHERS TO MAKE MORE MONEY, SELL MORE ADS, AND SAVE TIME.We give you access to a vast and powerful set of tools that were only reserved for the biggest sites, but simplified so any body can use them.
In Demand Ads uses Sticky Ad technology to give your site new places for ads that you never thought possible. Ads that slide out from any side of the screen giving you a aswome new way to display banner ads
InDemandAds Network Details
Commission Type: CPC(Cost Per Click), CPM(Cost Per Impressions)
Minimum Payment: $ 5
Payment Frequency: NET30
Payment Method: Paypal,Cheque
Country: US
Contact: Telephone:
Email:  [email protected]
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InDemandAds Payment Proof
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Rating: 3.6/5 (32 votes cast)
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Rating: +8 (from 16 votes)

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15 Responses to "InDemandAds(Closed)"

  1. yunita says:

    not count impression….


    • Indmenadads says:

      Dear Yunita,

      We have reviewed your traffic and we strongly believe you have been sending fraudulent traffic. Our anti-bot system has flagged your site many times.

      It shows our network of advertisers have received just one conversion from over 1 million impressions – our network average ratio for the same period is 1 conversion per 1186 impressions.

      This is a breach of our terms and conditions which you agreed to when you signed up

      view impression stats below


  2. Sam says:

    guys, think this is the best paying site for adult traffic. I am very happy with them. they even gave there top sellers a bonus . what other add network dose that ??????

  3. Indmenadads says:


    sorry about all the pay out confusion,

    the payment is processed twice a month, on the 1st and the 16th of every month.

    Regular account holders can only request payment when there account reaches $50

    Premium account holder can request payment with no dollar limits.

    if any questions please feel free to contact me directly at

    [email protected]

  4. deb says:

    Minimum payout is $5 or $50? Their website Faq section mentions it as $50. Please confirm.

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