5 SEO Tips for Your Online Store

5 SEO Tips for Your Online Store Setting up and running an eCommerce site is hard enough, but getting traffic to it and making sales is even harder. Here are some SEO tips to help maximize the search engine traffic to your online store.

1. Optimize your meta tags.

Label each of your pages with a unique title and description – the search engines love it. You can find the meta tags in the <head> section of your HTML code. Most eCommerce software come with built-in meta tag generators, and some allow you to customize each page. The title tag is still a major factor in search engine optimization, but Google and Bing have both acknowledged that meta descriptions and keywords are no longer a part of their ranking algorithm.

Example: <title>AD Networks Wiki,Ads Review,Payment Proof,Advertising News.</title>

Keep in mind though – Google sometimes displays the description within their search results. Having a good, enticing description could potentially attract more clicks to your listing.

2. Optimize your URLs.

URL structure is still a factor of SEO, so be sure to set them up properly. Use a few descriptive keywords in your URLs, but avoid URLs that are too long. Use hyphens to separate keywords, and avoid underscores and symbols.

Example: http://www.adswiki.net/ads_wiki/5-seo-tips-for-your-online-store

You’ll need some technical knowledge to implement URL rewriting as most CMS software do not do this by default. However, most current CMS and eCommerce software offer this feature as an option when setting up a website.

3. Add some “meat” to your pages.

Unless you’re the only one on the Internet selling what you sell, you have competition. You need to stand out from the crowd by offering some unique images and textual content. By adding some text to your category and product pages, you’re not only giving the search engines more content to index, but providing more information to visitors.

In addition to adding a bit of “meat” to your product pages, you should also consider adding a blog to your eCommerce site. As you already know, content is king, and a blog is a smart way to add more relevant content to your site.

4. Make sure your website loads quickly.

A slow website is one of the quickest ways to lose a customer. No one wants to wait for a page to load, especially with the connection speeds we have available today. Make sure your website server is fast enough to handle all the traffic and resources. Page load times not only affect user experience, but also plays a role in search engine optimization.

5. Make use of internal links.

External links are great, but internal links also matter for SEO (click here for SEO services in Calgary). Whenever you get a chance to link to a product page, you should do it. Of course, internal linking should be done in moderation. Use common sense and don’t go overboard with linking to every keyword you come across. Diversify your anchor text to various pages and make it look natural. Your blog is a good way to create new links by making announcements of new products, promoting popular items, or showcasing your seasonal products.

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