BC Media

BC Media Network Description
BC Media Group was originally founded as Blogstand Media LLC in 2008. If you’re looking to increase your revenue, BC Media can help. Here are a few reasons why you should join our network of over 300 premium publishers.
New Advertising Real Estate
If you think you’re advertising inventory is 100% sold out, you’re wrong. We guarantee you that we have some ad units that you’re aren’t using yet that can increase your monthly revenue by as much as 150% such as our slider units and ads on photos.
Increase Your Traffic
We’re site owners ourselves, and we want to work with you to introduce our audience to your site and vice versa. We’ll also introduce you to other BC Media publishers that are interested in new traffic partnerships. Name another network that will do that for you?
Publisher Coaching
We’re experts in building websites and Facebook pages from the ground up, and we’re happy to share our experiences and tips with you at absolutely no cost to you.
We don’t require exclusivity, so you can work with as many ad networks as you’d like while you’re a BC Media publisher.
Yield Optimization & Ad Serving
Do you currently just throw one networks ad tags up on your site and hope at the end of the month that you’ve made enough to cover your server bill and maybe have some spending cash left over? Turn over 100% of you inventory to us and we’ll handle your ad serving and get you the highest eCPM for your inventory. Contact us for more information.
Responsive Account Managers
One of our strengths is maintaining good relationships with our publishers. This means that we respond quickly when you have a question regarding anything from a report, your payment, or feedback on how to increase your revenue.
BC Media Network Details
Commission Type: CPM, CPC,  CPA
Minimum Payment: N/A
Payment Frequency: NET 90
Payment Method: Check
Country: US
Contact: Telephone:  877-608-7868
Email:  [email protected]
Join This Network
BC Media Payment Proof
(if you got paid by this network, it will be very thankful for sending me a snapshot with key-information shielded.)
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One Response to "BC Media"

  1. stephy_mediawhite says:

    we have WW inventory for desktop ,mobile web and in-app.
    Brand Safe and 100% transparency.
    Lets Talk!

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