PremiumCPM is back! Re-opening to public publisher registrations.
Who is PremiumCPM? – PremiumCPM is a Private Network dedicated to exclusively servicing High End Advertisers and high traffic publishers.
How can I trust PremiumCPM will pay?-PremiumCPM requires all major Advertisers to prepay for inventory. What does this mean for you? When you serve an ad, and you see your stats/earnings, you do not need to be afraid of the advertiser pulling out, and not paying the network, who in return bans you for no reason, or fails to pay you. At PremiumCPM we create a secure environment for all parties involved. Advertisers, Publishers, even Networks.
What if PremiumCPM still does not pay? -Then come right back here and tell everyone! We always pay on time, and can work with you to make sure our payment options accommodate your needs.
So, I still don’t get it. What makes PremiumCPM stand out from any other network, like tribal fusion or the other smaller networks on DP?- As a publisher with PremiumCPM, you are set up with an Account Manager/Rep. who monitors your account daily. The same person, is in charge of monetizing your inventory manually to ensure your financial needs are met. We support our publishers being in constant contact with their account managers who are dedicated to supporting the needs of you, the publisher. Your account manager is there to help you with any questions regarding services, and to help assist you in strategic ad placement, and general marketing/performance
Why can’t I sign up on your website?- If anyone can go to our website and sign up, it wouldn’t be a Private Network.
On to the important questions…How much will you make?
Does PremiumCPM pay flat rate CPM? -We do, only with long lasting publishers who have been with us long enough to have a history. Also given time, we can understand the trends in your traffic, make adjustments as needed, and understand the true value of your inventory.
What are your rates in ____ country/countries? -It really depends, we have Advertisers who each pay different rates depending on their needs. So when we mix them all together to form the ads served on your site…you get an average. We then optimize in or out campaigns as we see the results.
Can I see how much I earned? When? -Any time! PremiumCPM is powered by AOL ADTECH one of the worlds most advanced ad serving technologies. You can check your stats at any time, if you find a specific report you need/want daily, speak with your account manager, they can have it automatically emailed to you daily.
Do I really have to wait 24 Hours to see my stats? -Of course not! PremiumCPM has realtime reportingso you can see where you stand at anytime of the day or night, with out waiting until tomorrow to find out.
So…When do I get Paid? PremiumCPM pays out Net 45. We run final reviews of all sites and traffic at the end of every month to ensure you are running inventory most optimal and that an error on our end did not negatively effect your earnings. We also adjust your earnings up to fit the eCPM network wide. So if your site had a low performing month, don’t worry, we will still pay you! We are a CPM Network after all, which pays out PremiumCPM’s!
Want to Apply? Contact Dominick (details below) with the following:
Site/s URL:
Monthly Traffic:
Countries Traffic is from:
Full Name:
Email Address:
Desired Username:
Any more questions or want to apply? contact directly:
Dominick Romano
Account Executive, PremiumCPM
skype: dromanocpm