

BizzCPV Network Description
Make money by selling ad spaces on your websites. Monetize traffic of your sites. Get access to the large ads base. Control and manage advertisements served in your ad places. Generate and add advertising code to your site. Our database has a wide range of advertisers looking for targeted traffic. Add your sites to our system, define ad places on them and start earning immediately.
BizzCPV Network Details
Commission Type: CPV,XML
Minimum Payment: $ 50
Payment Frequency: Request
Payment Method: Paypal,Bank Transfer
Country: RU
Contact: Telephone: +7.9063839696
Join This Network
BizzCPV Payment Proof
(if you got paid by this network, it will be very thankful for sending me a snapshot with key-information shielded.)
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4 Responses to "BizzCPV(Closed)"

  1. PiQie says:


    I have bad experience after joining this company ‘s advertising, they company established since 1 September 2013 and I immediately joined, the payment schedule October 15th for september income and than I not received payment after contacting support 3 times in 3 days I get an apology for replies for late payments for income september month, on 15th of november the same thing happened again after contacting the support , but I get an answer that is less fun that contains about my quality traffic problems and they are reviewing traffic history and until now im not received payment and any information. I already have some evidence that the company is doing some fraud against the publisher and the advertiser, it is possible that both parties also include 3rd party advertising companies
    fikey_mcloud:. I will not remain silent to demand my rights as publisher

  2. Yauza says:

    This network wrong sudmit payment frequency, there is NET60. every half month regenerate balance to request payout for next month. Please change your payment frequency.

  3. midnight_crawler says:

    anyone been paid by this company?

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