CONTEXTWEB Network Description

CONTEXTWEB was founded on the premise that relevant advertising presented in the right environment to the right people becomes meaningful information that is valuable to them. This provides a positive experience for everyone involved – the publisher that served the ad, the advertiser whose relevant offer was served, and the audience that engaged with the ad.

From our founding in May of 2000, CONTEXTWEB has focused on building out a real-time contextual targeting platform that can analyze the content of any web page in less than 20 milliseconds and allow advertisers to target audiences at scale across the short and long-tail. In 2004, CONTEXTWEB launched an exchange business that leverages this powerful technology to enable publishers and advertisers to trade inventory in real-time, utilizing context as one of the many valuable data points.

Today, CONTEXTWEB supports billions of real-time transactions between buyers and sellers and provides the platform, tools and customer service it takes for publishers and advertisers to succeed. CONTEXTWEB is backed by Draper Fisher Jurvetson (“DFJ”) Gotham Ventures, DFJ New England, Draper Fisher Jurvetson, Updata Partners and Investor Growth Capital (“IGC”). CONTEXTWEB is headquartered in New York with sales offices in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago and London.

CONTEXTWEB Network Details
Commission Type: Graphical, Rich Media and Text
Minimum Payment: $ 50
Payment Frequency: Monthly, net 45
Payment Method: check, wire , PayPal,
Country: US
Contact: Telephone:212.679.1412
Email:[email protected]
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CONTEXTWEB Payment Proof
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41 Responses to "CONTEXTWEB(PulsePoint)"

  1. neo says:

    Hi Jade,

    Please teach me to create ad code, im not able to understand them.
    What is “AskPrice™: $ xx” what should i put value on it?

  2. jade says:

    April payment proof. Sharing

  3. Kang White says:

    for the 3rd time..
    they reject me

    huuuhhhh 🙁

  4. Joooeb says:

    i have got paid. 🙂

  5. I really want to make money from it..

    but the registration is very complex

  6. somili says:

    thanks for your introduction about Contextweb.
    i’ve got my frist payment form this company today.

  7. bamb0lin says:

    Contextweb is good CPM platform,they pay well.

  8. bamb0lin says:

    ContextWeb is best. thanks

  9. haha3 says:

    I have received the payment.

    The thread is closed.

  10. Michael says:

    I have received the payment.

1 2 3

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