

MediaHB Network Description
Knowing the difficulties that publishers are having these days when it comes to monetizing their content, we propose a business plan that we guarantee to work in a proportion of 100%. Offering 100% fill rate regardless of the traffic geotargeting you have, MediaHB guarantees a healthy and steady income from your website.   Updated with ADEXM now.
MediaHB Network Details
Commission Type: CPM
Minimum Payment: $ 1
Payment Frequency:  On request, daily
Payment Method: PayPal, Wire transfer
Contact: Telephone: (004) 0728 704 630
Email: [email protected]
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MediaHB Payment Proof
mediahb payment proof nov9
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68 Responses to "MediaHB(Closed)"

  1. MediaHB says:

    Obviously someone is trying to denigrate us. The above post is not ours. We request the admin of this website to forbid other users from using our name or allow us to report comments.

  2. MediaHB says:

    To answer dcos, we do not have a minimum limit for traffic in order for you to be accepted, however if your traffic CTR is low so will be your earnings.

    • says:

      Dear Sir
      You say that our Ad traffic quality is bad and we run ads in blank page.
      last night we gate a E-mail from . thy say us thy are interest to make business with us. and need to buy unsold traffic. hop you understand which quality traffic we provide.

      and for dcos pleas e-mail us for any kind for SEO Support , Script Support and others. all is free.
      one of our Supporter E-mail you soon.
      our site is offline now but all products are Live so you can e-mail here.
      [email protected]


  3. SrParker says:

    ecpm 0.01 worst impossible

    • luis says:

      They din´t accept my sites pay to promote and blogs

    • mark says:

      ecpm rate is decreasing, now worst ecpm

    • MediaHB says:

      Of course you get $0.01 USD per mile if you have CTR of 0%. Try keeping it above 0.50% see what happens.

      • says:

        Yes MediaHB is Wright send above 0.50% your CPM come up to $1.5

        Now what !!
        send more then 15000 imps a day
        and see how your CPM go down how ever Your CTR above 0.50% its come down $0.1 to $0.0

        Nice .


        • blossom says:

          still getting low ecpm,

        • MediaHB says:

          Your interventions are useless. We already pointed out that you were sending bot traffic from blank pages while your website was active within our network.

          We are a premium network and we accept premium publishers only. Therefor publishers like you have no place within our network.

          • says:

            Dear MediaHB Sir
            We already Told You these url is not valid.
            just thank if i say and i say that you run million hide ad on the page. any one trust it …! its not true ya. same way you provide a 404 page. so these page have no value.
            and ask how your CPM go up down for a same page when traffic Value go down and up .


            • MediaHB says:

              In the end we aren’t supposed to prove anything to anyone. As far as we’re concerned you can’t work with us and that’s mostly it. I really don’t understand the point of this argument you’re always looking for.

              We denied you, we don’t want you… Move on…

              • says:

                Dear MediaHB Sir

                What You thank We sing up as a Publisher for Earn money from your Network ?
                We like to told you we become Publisher on your Network only for Review.
                So we stall do it.
                your Network denied us or not its not matter.
                you network Stall live for world public.
                so we stall on the Point and need to know what is true .


                • MediaHB says:

                  Be so kind to let fair publishers tell their opinion. We do not do business with people trying to cheat us. You are not in the position to review any network so please mind your own business.

                  P.S. I can hardly understand what you’re trying to say. Do something about your English skills.

                  • says:

                    Dear Sir
                    What Blank Page.
                    you have no proof.
                    we e-mail to our webmaster thy send me a snapshot of these url soon. and late see what true.

                    about our business
                    i’m only concentrate on my business sir ….
                    admin of Lx5 Pay me every month for give free SEO support by E-mail and with ADsWiki more 3 ad Review networks submit networks review by me. and we going to index these reviews on our Site.
                    and unfortunately my mother language is not English so i’m sorry for the English but with my broken English i hop Publishers become helpful .


  4. MediaHB says:

    Oh… forgot to mention.

    You… Mr. fair publisher were displaying ads on :
    A blank page with several ad codes.

    Just for the record. It’s not about you wanting to join us, it’s whether we decide to let you in or not.

    • SayNoToRetards says:

      You expect anyone to believe the crap you’re typing? I got paid over 300$ and I withdraw daily from mediahb. As the name says!!!


      I don’t understand the point of these morons coming on forums and posting crap all over the place.

      You faggots deserve to be beaten to death.

      • says:

        its true MediaHB pay.
        but thy don’t pay real amount.
        our last some days earning see.
        day 1 = 5000 imps CTR 20% CPM $0.64 Max Traffic from US.
        day 2 = 13000 imps CTR 26% CPM $1.6 Max Traffic from US.
        day 3 = 75000 imps CTR 38% CPM $0.14 Max Traffic from US.
        day 4 = 70000 imps CTR 30% CPM $0.15 Max Traffic from US.
        day 5 = 10000 imps CTR 33% CPM $0.74 Max Traffic from US.

        how every thy say CTR> 0.5% gate max CPM if use pop .
        we use pop but we thank our CPM depend on how much traffic we send. its bad. if send high traffic can’t earn a Good amount of money.
        any way a Good CPM network. but with these network may you gate some problems.

        1. your visitor can’t come again to your site.
        # have 3 layer banner looking so bad and really hear to handle.
        # auto reload ads unlimited times.
        # make your site to slow.

        any way thy provide good CPM for low value of traffic.
        so if you have less then 15000 imps a day undoubtedly its a good Network for you.


        • MediaHB says:

          You have been displaying ads on blank pages and iframes.

          What rates have you been expecting for such traffic? You should be thankful that you even received something.

          It’s a mystery how some of you think that the ad providers are complete idiots and can not track down your little scheme, and the even better part is that you people come on forums and talk about some companies like you are genuine legit publishers that were scammed in any way, considering that you are the ones who try to scam the ad companies in the first place.

          • says:

            Dear Sir
            We Provide CDN and for server Free CPN we show a light ad normally we shoe Epom and Google ads. but now we test all site for reviews.
            about blank some time its come blank if main server is down. other wish we echo the page on our CDN.
            we sell use your network for see status.
            and about iframes may you forgot you have iframe breaker if (top !== self) top.location.href = self.location.href;
            so its not easy to run the page in iframes.
            what you say its clear the you don’t provide high CPM for high traffic ya.
            and about auto reload ads we don’t thank you count all the reload as imps. ya so why you do it ? what is your cap limit IP/day ? 1,2 or 3 ??
            about scammed we don’t thank we use these word for your Network.
            and we have no profit to make your company as a scam.
            what we gate from you we shay here.
            now Publisher understand when thy use your network.
            o ya what CPM you provide me for your ads Epom pay us 10X batter and we are stall with Epom up to 6 month thy have much batter tracker then MediaHB. and thy never say us we run there ad code in blank page or iframes.
            now may your tracker is craggy. try to make snapshot every url logs then you understand we run ads on blank page or not.
            how much time you see our page blank ?
            if so when we provide low traffic why our CPM go up ? and when we provide high traffic why our CPM go low ? for same page ?
            sir all Publisher and advertiser need Profit.
            and its all in ad networks hands.
            just try to give a good Service to Publisher and advertiser . don’t thank about only earn money.
            have a Nice day.

          • meth says:

            I agree with you.

            But would be great if you stop that auto reload ads unlimited times. (3-5 times fine, but not unlimited)

            Some times my website won’t load. And the page size takes more than 2 mb. without mediahb ads less than 500kb

            Anyway thanks for fast payouts 🙂

        • synr says:

 please respond to the mediahb comment.we are believing you so far.your reply will clear the clouds for us.

          • says:

            Dear synr
            We are really glad to know it.
            Thanks for believe us.


            • MediaHB says:

              Feel free to say / believe what you wish.
              On the other hand, we do not know nor do we show any interest in other networks you mentioned about. If that “epom” network wants to work with you feel free to do the same. We do not allow our ads to appear on pages without content.

              • says:

                Ok Ok
                what you say we run your ads in blank page we accept it . ok
                now can you tell me when we run your ads in a blank page and send you low amount of traffic how you provide us high CPM ? and when on the same page we run your ads and send a high traffic how you down our CPM ?
                what is the matter ?
                you CPM depend on what ?
                can you clear it.
                any way we advice to publisher use your network hop thy understand how much imps you count and how much CPM go give us. that it.
                all the best.


              • says:

                and Thanks for Denied Our Site.
                true is hard to heard.


  5. Instant payment
    High CPM rate
    Ads load fast and not to much annoying.
    All payment report here:
    My payment is #37
    Very good !!!

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