

MediaHB Network Description
Knowing the difficulties that publishers are having these days when it comes to monetizing their content, we propose a business plan that we guarantee to work in a proportion of 100%. Offering 100% fill rate regardless of the traffic geotargeting you have, MediaHB guarantees a healthy and steady income from your website.   Updated with ADEXM now.
MediaHB Network Details
Commission Type: CPM
Minimum Payment: $ 1
Payment Frequency:  On request, daily
Payment Method: PayPal, Wire transfer
Contact: Telephone: (004) 0728 704 630
Email: [email protected]
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MediaHB Payment Proof
mediahb payment proof nov9
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68 Responses to "MediaHB(Closed)"

  1. MediaHB says:

    As of today we no longer count bulk impressions. We are now paying for unique views only. We were forced to take this measure in order to protect our advertisers from publishers which were sending up to 2000 impressions / ip.

    Our fair publishers have nothing to worry about because even though less impressions will appear in their statistics their earnings will not drop ( it’s most likely that they’ll increase ) because we now accept only quality traffic as we should.

  2. bebe says:

    since i joined mediahb i always get 30k+ hits but since yesterday it drops to not even 1k hits.

  3. bebe says:

    no hits counting

  4. Malik Asif says:

    This is first ad network that paying me online.

  5. bebe says:

    getting low cpm everyday though the ctr is above 0.50

  6. yunita says:

    this ads good for payment..

    but very low ecpm..

  7. bebe says:

    is anyone having a problem here like no ads showing up?

  8. bebe says:

    is anyone having problem here like no ads showing up?

  9. Alex Ray says:

    Rates are good enough. Plus you get an extra bonus for the popunder. I hope my traffic to increase in future so that I can make some good money with them.

    for 10k traffic daily one can easily make 6-10 dollars.

  10. zanfaku says:

    I am very happy to joined with mediahb, hight rate and fast payment, thanks

1 2 3

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